Relational Database Model for DDMS Records

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Brian Uri!

Nov 26, 2010, 6:32:08 PM11/26/10
to DDMSence
Inspired by Chad's thoughts for a "DDMS 2 SQL" adapter in this post:

I have been working on a complete relational database model for DDMS
records which shows one possible way an XML record could be broken
down into table columns. This model can be found on the DDMSence
website at:
(It's also linked from the Documentation page under "Explorations")

I still don't plan to implement persistence in to the DDMSence library
at this time, but this document should provide a helpful starting
point for anyone wishing to store their DDMS records in a relational
way -- I think I've solved most of the tricky issues in a realistic
way while preserving the full scope of the specification.

Feedback is welcome! I am not a DBA by trade, so there are probably
many ways that my work could be improved.

Happy Thanksgiving,
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