I am entertaining this toy example for getting a better understanding / simpler solution for a common pattern.
Let's say that we doing DDD, perhaps CQRS, but not EventSourcing.
Assume that there is a Task that is assigned to a group of Students to perform. The Task has a deadline, and each Student has, say, 2 attempts to make.
My question is:
There is a bunch of information about Task that doesn't trigger any business logic, but is (or may) affecting the UI side.
For example, Task Title, a "hints enabled" flag, etc.
Would you still model them as commands/events even given that these commands don't trigger any business logic?
RenameTask / TaskRenamed, EnableHints / HintsEnabled, EnableReferences / ReferencesEnabled and other many like that? (EventSourcing is not involved)
Or would you somehow CRUD this data and only model "real" business logic via aggregates/commands/events?
How would you deal with the view side in this case?