Issue with dcm4chee Secure UI Installation: Docker-compose - keycloak issue

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Arokia Swamy S

Nov 14, 2024, 2:02:50 PMNov 14
to dcm4che

I have successfully installed dcm4chee using the documentation provided in this link: 

Now, I am attempting to install the dcm4chee Secure UI using the following link: 

However, I am facing an issue where the Keycloak image stops running after a few seconds, while the DCM4CHEE images start up properly.

I am running this setup on my local Windows laptop. I have attached the error log and my Docker Compose files for your reference.

Could you please help me resolve this issue?

Thanks in advance for your assistance!


Andy Linton

Nov 19, 2024, 5:47:17 AMNov 19
to dcm4che
I have not used dcm4chee in a Windows environment (only Linux) but I wonder if the docker container has permissions to write to the folders that you have specified in the "volumes" section of the docker-compose.yml? It seems like a permissions issue.

I also had an issue where if the LDAP container was not fully initialised on the first run, the rest of the containers would not come up correctly.

I would first check the permissions of the bind-mount folder you have specified (E:/PACS/dcm4chee/dcm4chee-arc/...)
Then I would run:
docker compose up ldap
and wait for the container to boot normally. Then stop the container and start the whole project with docker compose up -d

Hope that helps you

Arokia Swamy S

Nov 19, 2024, 7:41:41 AMNov 19
to dcm4che
Hi Andy,

Thank you so much for your response.

LDAP is running fine. I can see the issue with Keycloak for now. It's getting start and stops immediately after 10 to 20 seconds.

Also, there is no issue with file permissions. You may understand the problem from the keycloak log.

Arokia Swamy S

Nov 19, 2024, 10:18:39 AMNov 19

Anyone plz help me.

I have tried to run the keycloak installation locally even though it's gives me the same log.

I have installed the java17 and mapped the environment variables too. Am I missing anything else. Plz help me out.


Arokia Swamy S

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