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Oviyam2.7.4 wado link calling with dcm4chee and iOviyam2.1 configuration with server

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Aug 19, 2020, 3:41:19 AM8/19/20
to dcm4che

I have installed dcm4chee-arc-psql:5.22.3-secure (docker-compose installation). Configured Oviyam2.7.4 which is working fine for me. I can open images in Oviyam perfectly (http://dcm4chee_ip:8081/oviyam2).

Now I have following issues:

1) I have configured iOviyam2.1 to view images on my mobile. I can login to iOviyam successfully and now I want to add server which requires Wado port , Listener and Listener-Port to be entered mandatory (screenshot attached). Can anyone suggest me about these settings as I am not clear which ports should I enter here.

2) 1 am calling image through http://dcm4chee_ip:8081/oviyam2/oviyam?patientID=<PatID>&studyUID=<studyUID> and I have further sub questions regarding my issue number 2 which are as follow:

2.1) When I go to http://dcm4chee_ip:8081/oviyam2/oviyam?patientID=<PatID>&studyUID=<studyUID>, it required user name and password and after entering user password it opens the image. I want it to open image without login manually. I need to bypass/enter username and password in link which opens image directly.

2.2) When I go to http://dcm4chee_ip:8081/oviyam2/oviyam?patientID=<PatID> and is this PatID has more than one studies, it opens a blank page in browser. Where as I want this link to open patient jacket and show list of all studies against this PatientID so I can choose and open study of my choice.

2.3) I want a link like http://dcm4chee_ip:8081/oviyam2/oviyam?patientID=<PatID>&AccessionNo=<AccessionNo> through which I enter patientID and AccessionNo or only AccessionNo and it opens study against that AccessionNo.

Need guideline on these questions.


Sep 30, 2020, 12:34:52 AM9/30/20
to dcm4che
Anyone who can answer me on this issue? 

Prakash Jayaraman

Sep 30, 2020, 8:00:05 AM9/30/20
Please find replies in line.

On Wed, Aug 19, 2020 at 1:11 PM nutun <> wrote:

I have installed dcm4chee-arc-psql:5.22.3-secure (docker-compose installation). Configured Oviyam2.7.4 which is working fine for me. I can open images in Oviyam perfectly (http://dcm4chee_ip:8081/oviyam2).

Now I have following issues:

1) I have configured iOviyam2.1 to view images on my mobile. I can login to iOviyam successfully and now I want to add server which requires Wado port , Listener and Listener-Port to be entered mandatory (screenshot attached). Can anyone suggest me about these settings as I am not clear which ports should I enter here.
WADO Port is to retrieve the images - 8080 is the usual WADO port number - Oviyam2 is working for you, so you can configure the same parameters here. Listener is AE Title of the server. 

2) 1 am calling image through http://dcm4chee_ip:8081/oviyam2/oviyam?patientID=<PatID>&studyUID=<studyUID> and I have further sub questions regarding my issue number 2 which are as follow:

2.1) When I go to http://dcm4chee_ip:8081/oviyam2/oviyam?patientID=<PatID>&studyUID=<studyUID>, it required user name and password and after entering user password it opens the image. I want it to open image without login manually. I need to bypass/enter username and password in link which opens image directly.

iOviyam2 source code has to be customized to remove the login page. 

2.2) When I go to http://dcm4chee_ip:8081/oviyam2/oviyam?patientID=<PatID> and is this PatID has more than one studies, it opens a blank page in browser. Where as I want this link to open patient jacket and show list of all studies against this PatientID so I can choose and open study of my choice.

 ServerName (as configured in the settings) has to be mentioned in the URL to get all the studies of the Patient - http://localhost:8080/oviyam2/?patientID=DR205606&serverName=IPACS

2.3) I want a link like http://dcm4chee_ip:8081/oviyam2/oviyam?patientID=<PatID>&AccessionNo=<AccessionNo> through which I enter patientID and AccessionNo or only AccessionNo and it opens study against that AccessionNo.

Query using accession number is not supported. Let me check and confirm. Again direct URL launching is not supported by default and it will be a custom work.


Sep 30, 2020, 9:00:42 PM9/30/20
to dcm4che
Thank you Prakash Jayaraman for your reply.

I have the following points from your answers.

1- WADO Port is to retrieve the images - 8080 is the usual WADO port number - Oviyam2 is working for you, so you can configure the same parameters here. Listener is AE Title of the server
I have entered the following information (in iOviyam2.1 server configuration fields) for adding server in ioviyam2 but echo result is failed every time and cannot click on add button. I have also checked the server logs bu echo request not coming from iOviyam2.
AE Title = PACS Server AE Title
Host Name = PACS Server IP address
Port = PACS Server Storage Port
Wado port = 8080
Listener = PACS Server AE Title
Listener-Port = Server Storage Port

2.1- iOviyam2 source code has to be customized to remove the login page
Do I need to customize Oviyam2 source code as well if I do not use iOviyam2 (in case I use Oviyam2 only)? If yes then how can I customize source code?

2.2- ServerName (as configured in the settings) has to be mentioned in the URL to get all the studies of the Patient - http://localhost:8080/oviyam2/?patientID=DR205606&serverName=IPACS
I understand this and it worked for me. (let me guide if there is difference between http://localhost:8080/oviyam2/?patientID=DR205606&serverName=IPACS and http://localhost:8080/oviyam2/oviyam?patientID=DR205606&serverName=IPACS)

2.3- Query using accession number is not supported. Let me check and confirm. Again direct URL launching is not supported by default and it will be a custom work.
Will wait for confirmation from your side. It will be very helpful for me if it is possible.

Prakash Jayaraman

Oct 1, 2020, 6:38:57 AM10/1/20
  Listener-Port = Server Storage Port 

Here listener port means DICOM listener port. If you haven't done any changes to the default settings, then use the port number 11112. Share the log file if you still get the echo failed message.

  Do I need to customize Oviyam2 source code as well if I do not use iOviyam2 (in case I use Oviyam2 only)? If yes then how can I customize source code?

Oviyam2 and iOviyam 2 are two different independent applications. Customization has to be done separately in the application source codes that you are indented to use. If you are a JAVA developer, then you can download the source code and make the changes. Or if you are looking for a custom development work, please do let us know your requirements in detail in a separate email. 

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Yohanes Adolf Gusmories

Jan 16, 2024, 2:01:31 AM1/16/24
to dcm4che
Hi Prakash

I have using Oviyam to access dicom image through web browser. Right know I would like to access them through mobile therefore you recommend using iOviyam. But there is a question how am I get access directly to studies using URL http://DCM4CHEE_SERVER:port/ioviyam2/viewer.html?patientID=xxx&&accessionNumber=yyyy&serverName=zzzz as well as Oviyam did

How do I to get this improvement features?

Thank you in advance.

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