I have make some tests with dcm4che toolkit and dcmtk library.
In both i am using pdf2dcm method.
But in weasis only is recognized, output of dcmtk.
here is a test:
run docker:
$docker run --rm -it dcm4che/dcm4che-tools
in another shell
$docker ps
72052c3f4f9b dcm4che/dcm4che-tools "jshell" About a minute ago Up About a minute eloquent_kilby
$docker cp .some.pdf 72052c3f4f9b:/.
$docker run 72052c3f4f9b -it /bin/bash
#pdf2dcm some.pdf out.dcm
$docker cp 72052c3f4f9b:/out.pdf .
after that opened in weasis, file not recognized.
With DCMTK I dont face that problem.
thank you in advance for your help!