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How to replace DCMSND from Dcmtoolkit into DCM4Chee 2.18

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Geylkson Diniz

Oct 23, 2015, 6:14:54 PM10/23/15
to dcm4che

Hi Guys,
I tryied to find out a topic here about it, but I don't saw.

I know that it's easy to solve changing the dicom node from CR Agfa,
But we have no maintenance contract with them, they charge so much dearly for this simple change.

I have a dicom node from a CR with the informations AE_T...@, sending me studies to Path C:\ConnectData\Export

I'm using the .bat (DCM Toolkit) below to change the aetittle AE_TITTLE to another DCMXXX and send studies to my Pacsone Server SER...@

dcmsnd -L DCMXXX SER...@ :104 C:\ConnectData\Export

How can I do this into DCM4chee to eliminate the file .bat?


Oct 24, 2015, 8:28:21 AM10/24/15
to dcm4che
You can install an instance of DCM4CHEE and change its AE and port to any value you want. Then you can use the dcm4chee forward service to automatically send a copy of received studies to Pacsone.

Geylkson Diniz

Oct 24, 2015, 1:07:23 PM10/24/15
to dcm4che
Hi fleetwoodfc,
Thanks for your attention.

What I need exactly is receive studies from dicom node with AE AE_TITTLE but send with another AE DCMXXX.

I use DCM4chee too, but in all facilities have the same AE (AETITTLE)

When the study goes through the script. dcmsnd -L DCMXXX SER...@ :104 C:\ConnectData\Export

The AE (AE_TITTLE) changes to AE (DCMXXX) and this allows me to separate the facilities in Worklist.

I wanna eliminate the Script .bat from DCM Tollkit and make this manipulation with AE into DCM4chee.

Thank you

Geylkson Diniz

Oct 26, 2015, 6:39:24 PM10/26/15
to dcm4che
HI Guys,
I Solved this problem and I wanna share with all you if someone have the same issue.

CR Dicom node:




And I add a new AE just to listen with another AE.

JMX-CONSOLE: Add AE and Port
service=StoreScp > CalledAETitles: DCMXXX\AE_TITTLE | (AEtitle you want \ Aetittle you wanna listen too)
service=DcmServer > TCPort 5001

Thank you
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