Question about using Weasis to set up web based imaging teaching files for my students

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Mar 28, 2015, 11:36:26 AM3/28/15

My name is Dan Cornfeld. I am a radiologist with a huge interest in creating organized learning files for my students.  My benefit is I enjoy teaching, I get better trained students, and I can get promoted for my teaching, but this is not something I am trying to make money directly from.  Currently I have de-identified DICOM images stored on a dcm4chee-web3 server running on my office computer. My students can log in and view complete image sets using Weasis (I think I am using 2.0.1?).  This setup has worked great and I am thankful for the hard work your project has done to make this happen!  

There are two problems with this worflow:

First, once logged in, my students potentially have access to all the studies on the server.  I would like to create a set up where I can create a web page that lists the cases I want them to view (I can easily customize the cases to the student).  Clicking on the link would download the jnlp to open Weasis with the appropriate case (or open Weasis directly, it does not really matter to me).  I have read the weasis-pacs-connector documentation web page and it is a bit overwhelming to me.  I think it may be more straightforward than it sounds and that all I need to do is download the newest version of the connector and place it in the appropriate folder and then configure the connector to accept only requests with a combination of several UIDs (which seems to be the simplest way to create basic security). Is this correct?  Can someone provide direction on how to do this configuration?

The second problem is that my IT guy left and if anything ever happens to my server I am not certain that I would be able to rebuild it.  I tired to build it myself several times prior to asking my IT guy for help and failed.  I am a great learner but am not familiar with JBOSS or Java at all.  As an alternative setup, can I store my cases on an Osirix PACS and still use Weasis to view them from an external web page.  Osirix advertises that it has Weasis built in and I've seen video examples of using the Osirix Web Portal to view cases with Weasis, but am unsure if the weasel-pacs-connector can connect to Osirix in the same way it does to dcm4chee.  (I can set up an Osirix PACS myself, which is why I am asking about this solution). Does anyone have any insight into this question?

Lastly, is there a configuration file I can edit somewhere that changes the default CT window and level image display defaults?

I apologize for the long post. This would be a revolutionary new way to teach medical trainees about imaging and I am very excited about it.

Many thanks,

Dan Cornfeld


Mar 29, 2015, 6:14:16 PM3/29/15
I would recommend using the OSIRIX web portal to meet your needs. The main reason is that it has all the features you need for access control already built-in. While DCM4CHEE does have role based access control to studies (see here) you will find that the user management and worklists provided in OSIRIX is better suited for your purpose.   
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