Intentionally prohibit dcm4chee from accepting new studies

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Nov 8, 2017, 4:34:10 PM11/8/17
to dcm4che

The goal is to allow the "normal" operation of querying/retrieving existing studies from dcm4chee, but not allow new studies to be accepted. I read the dependencies @

It seems the easiest way might be to stop the StoreSCP lifecycle altogether. Will this negatively affect anything else? I do not need forwarding, permissions, exporting, copying, forward2 etc.

Or, could/should I have the StoreSCP running, but modify "calledAETitles" to something that doesn't exist.? Would that also work? If so, which would be better, or would you do something else?

Thanks in advance,


Jon Ander Zuccaro

Nov 8, 2017, 10:10:05 PM11/8/17
to dcm4che
For dcm4chee2 you could modify the value of MinimumFreeDiskSpace inside group=ONLINE_STORAGE,service=FileSystemMgt

Make it artificially big so no further images are accepted.

You could also mark all your file systems as RO.
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