DCM4CHEE storing same dicom objects differently depending on version?

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Feb 22, 2016, 9:47:56 AM2/22/16
to dcm4che
Hi ,

I have  noticed an issue that doesn't allow me to use the  new version of dcm4chee (2.018.1) I have just installed (B)
So far we have been using version 2.13.6(A) without having the issue described  below.
The modality in question is a CT.(CT) and the STUDY is the same study for both cases 1 and 2

1-When CT sends the study to A I can then forward the study to other destination systems (called tps or Treatment Planning systems) where among other tags,(0020,0032),(0020,0037),(0020,1041) seem to be very important to maintain what for the TPS is also known as  the ZERO slice. 
sending the study from  CT to A everything works  and attached you find the dicom dump for the study  archived on this version of dcm4chee.(2.13.6)

2- When CT sends to B and then I forward this same study to the same destination mentioned above , this latter doesn't recognize the right zero slice.

Looking at the two attached dicom dumps, one for 2.13.6 and the other for ., I can see the different  values  in some tags, those mentioned before in this email. I also attached two (the same) dicom objects I could download from both dcm4chee.

I'd like to use the newer version of dcm4chee, how do I correct this problem though

thanks for your help.


file 2.018.1
0270B166file 2.13.6
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Feb 23, 2016, 8:33:06 AM2/23/16
to dcm4che
The 2.13.6 file contains 'retired attributes' - this may or may not be an issue.

dciodvfy ~/Downloads/0270B166file2.13.6

Warning - Retired attribute - (0x0008,0x0000) UL Group Length 
Warning - Retired attribute - (0x0010,0x0000) UL Group Length 
Warning - Retired attribute - (0x0018,0x0000) UL Group Length 
Warning - Retired attribute - (0x0020,0x0000) UL Group Length 
Warning - Retired attribute - (0x0028,0x0000) UL Group Length 
Warning - Retired attribute - (0x0040,0x0000) UL Group Length 
Warning - Retired attribute - (0x7005,0x0000) UL Group Length 
Warning - Dicom dataset contains retired attributes
2.188.1 file has some additional private tags:
<attr tag="00430010" vr="LO" len="16">dcm4che/archive</attr>
<attr tag="00431014" vr="UN" len="16">CRO0AV-WSTOAQLB2</attr>
<attr tag="00431015" vr="UN" len="12">CRODCMNODERT</attr>

gian78567 .

Feb 23, 2016, 9:04:13 AM2/23/16
to dcm...@googlegroups.com
Hi F,

thanks so much for answering. 
What can I do to enable those retired attributes on 2.18.1.
I mean, I just would like this later version of dcm4chee to behave exactly like the 2.13.6 one.
That would save my life.....

Please check this out, same instance different values for (0020,0032)
(0020,000D) [UI] StudyInstanceUID: 1.2.392.200036.9116.
(0020,000E) [UI] SeriesInstanceUID: 1.2.392.200036.9116.
(0020,0010) [SH] StudyID: 6345
(0020,0011) [IS] SeriesNumber: 1
(0020,0012) [IS] AcquisitionNumber: 2
(0020,0013) [IS] InstanceNumber: 140
(0020,0020) [CS] PatientOrientation: L\P
(0020,0032) [DS] ImagePositionPatient: -200.000000\-200.000000\-166.000000
(0020,0037) [DS] ImageOrientationPatient: 1.00000\0.00000\0.00000\0.00000\1.00000\0.00000
(0020,0052) [UI] FrameOfReferenceUID: 1.2.392.200036.9116.
(0020,1040) [LO] PositionReferenceIndicator: 
(0020,1041) [DS] SliceLocation: -166.00
(0028,0002) [US] SamplesPerPixel: 1
(0028,0004) [CS] PhotometricInterpretation: MONOCHROME2
(0028,0010) [US] Rows: 512
(0028,0011) [US] Columns: 512

(0020,000D) [UI] StudyInstanceUID: 1.2.392.200036.9116.
(0020,000E) [UI] SeriesInstanceUID: 1.2.392.200036.9116.
(0020,0010) [SH] StudyID: 6345
(0020,0011) [IS] SeriesNumber: 1
(0020,0012) [IS] AcquisitionNumber: 2
(0020,0013) [IS] InstanceNumber: 140
(0020,0020) [CS] PatientOrientation: L\P
(0020,0032) [DS] ImagePositionPatient: -200.000\-200.0000\-1116.000
(0020,0037) [DS] ImageOrientationPatient: 1.00000\0.00000\0.00000\0.00000\1.00000\0.00000
(0020,0052) [UI] FrameOfReferenceUID: 1.2.392.200036.9116.
(0020,1040) [LO] PositionReferenceIndicator: 
(0020,1041) [DS] SliceLocation: -166.00
(0028,0002) [US] SamplesPerPixel: 1
(0028,0004) [CS] PhotometricInterpretation: MONOCHROME2
(0028,0010) [US] Rows: 512
(0028,0011) [US] Columns: 512

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