Configuring synchronization - ContentEditService

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Aug 14, 2014, 10:43:13 AM8/14/14

I'm having a problem configuring/executing patient update synchronization between 2 dcm4chee (2.18.0-mysql) machines, same LAN. It seems that there are 2 ways to do this, both involving ContentEditService.

Forwarding all studies from PACS01 to PACS02 works fine using 

However, the last item is confusing me, regarding adding another dicim node in web3....

But to start for clarification, let say I have the following set up:

the"primary" AET is PACS01
the "secondary" is PACS02
studies are being sent to PACS01 from the modalities, and should be forwarded to PACS02

Forwarding all studies from PACS01 to PACS02 works fine using service=Forward

In ContentEditService:
Should BOTH the ReceivingApplication and ReceivingFacility be PACS02? or PACS01?
What about SendingApplication and SendingFacility?

I've tried all four having PACS01 in the config, and having the receiving be PACS02, and the sending PACS01.... the description is not clear to me, but that's me... 

In HL7Send I tried:

In watching the logs, immediately after doing a change, I get on PACS01:

10:25:33,896 INFO  [EditableDicomAttributes] (filtered) Editable DICOM attributes for modelName PatientModel:(0010,0010) PN #0 [] Patient?s Name

(0010,0030) DA #0 [] Patient?s Birth Date

(0010,0040) CS #0 [] Patient?s Sex

10:25:40,342 INFO  [HL7SendV2Service] handle DicomAction notification:org.dcm4chee.web.service.common.DicomActionNotification[source=dcm4chee.web:service=ContentEditService][type=DicomActionNotification][message=][Action:UPDATE][Level:PATIENT] Dicom object:

(0008,0005) CS #10 [ISO_IR 100] Specific Character Set

(0010,0010) PN #10 [bob smith] Patient?s Name

(0010,0020) LO #6 [12345] Patient ID

(0010,0030) DA #8 [19841029] Patient?s Birth Date

10:25:40,342 INFO  [HL7SendV2Service] schedule patient update via HL7 ADT message

However nothing seems to be in HL7Send Queue, and there is no movement in PACS02 log. 

I did not add an additional dicim node as the last part of the referred to post suggests because I don't understand it at all. 

Opened dcm4chee-web:
Opened AE Management tab and new AE Title and name it as "PACSCENTRALDCM4CHEE^PACSCENTRALDCM4CHEE"

On which machine? separate IP and port? Does it need to be on both?

Any help is appreciated. One I get it working I'll repost exact setup and instructions.



Apr 28, 2017, 11:28:45 AM4/28/17
to dcm4che
Bump -- same situation where I can't get a demographics change from one study to propagate to the second dcm4chee instance.

Primary = SR_DEMO3 - it's also listed in SR_DEMO5's Application Entities tab
Secondary = SR_DEMO5 - it's also listed in SR_DEMO3's Application Entities tab

Study forwarding from primary to secondary works fine..... (Service=Forward > ForwardingRules ..SR_DEMO5)

On primary (SR_DEMO3)----------

ReceivingApplication = SR_DEMO5
ReceivingFacility = SR_DEMO5
SendingApplication = SR_DEMO3
SendingFacility = SR_DEMO3
ForwardingRules = [sending=SR_DEMO3^SR_DEMO3]SR_DEMO5^SR_DEMO5

On primary I also added:

2017-04-28 11:22:02,781 INFO  -> (http- [org.dcm4chee.web.war.common.EditableDicomAttributes] selected Attribute Filter:org.dcm4chee.archive.conf.AttributeFilter@13db0b56
2017-04-28 11:22:02,781 INFO  -> (http- [org.dcm4chee.web.war.common.EditableDicomAttributes] (filtered) Editable DICOM attributes for modelName PatientModel:(0010,0010) PN #0 [] Patient’s Name
(0010,0030) DA #0 [] Patient’s Birth Date
(0010,0040) CS #0 [] Patient’s Sex

2017-04-28 11:22:06,242 INFO  -> (http- [STDOUT] allowAll changed: allowAlltrue
2017-04-28 11:22:14,541 INFO  -> (http- [org.dcm4chee.web.service.hl7.v2.HL7SendV2Service] handle DicomAction notification:org.dcm4chee.web.service.common.DicomActionNotification[source=dcm4chee.web:service=ContentEditService][type=DicomActionNotification][message=][Action:UPDATE][Level:PATIENT] Dicom object:
(0010,0010) PN #14 [Test^DICOM^CR] Patient’s Name
(0010,0020) LO #8 [12121515] Patient ID
(0010,0030) DA #8 [20021109] Patient’s Birth Date
(0010,0040) CS #2 [M] Patient’s Sex

2017-04-28 11:22:14,541 INFO  -> (http- [org.dcm4chee.web.service.hl7.v2.HL7SendV2Service] schedule patient update via HL7 ADT message
2017-04-28 11:22:45,974 INFO  -> (Thread-353249) [org.dcm4chex.archive.mbean.FileSystemMgt2Service] Check file system group LOSSY_STORAGE for deletion of orphaned private files

Then.... nothing. Any help would be appreciated.



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