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LDAP and Postgres/DB backup and restore

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Nov 5, 2019, 5:52:49 AM11/5/19
to dcm4che


I have two dcm4chee servers i.e PACS-01 and PACS-02.

-> PACS-01 has dcm4chee-arc-5.15.1-secure dockerized installation through docker compose.

-> PACS-02 has dcm4chee-arc-5.15.1-secure dockerized installation through docker command line.

Both servers having some data archived. Now my plan is to upgrade both server to dcm4chee-arc-psql-5.19.0-secure.
PACS-01 will be upgraded through docker compose installation while PACS-02 will be upgraded through docker command line installation.

Now as per my understanding I have planned the following:

I will take LDAP backup through command {docker exec "lapd-container-id" export-data > ldap_backup`date +%d-%m-%Y"_"%H_%M_%S`.ldif} which can be restored through Apache Directory Studio.

Next turn is to backup PostgreSQL database of both servers and then restore in new versions so I can access/view my data in new versions.

I want to know the backup and restore commands for both docker compose and docker command line installation. And how can I restore LDAP backup through restore command for both docker compose and docker command line installation.

Also suggest me that am I going on right way/pattern?

Shehzad Hamid

Nov 8, 2019, 1:30:56 PM11/8/19
hi Nutun,

a lot of ways it can be achieved a sample example below, docker compose/docker command line? you mean which ever way a container is created by the two methods right?

ldap backup export

docker ps -a
(find the container id for ldap)
docker exec lapd-container-id export-data > config_backup`date +%d-%m-%Y"_"%H_%M_%S`.ldif

Or use Apache DS 2.0.0 for export/import

postgres db dump

docker ps -a
(find the container id for db)
docker exec db-container-id pg_dump -U pacs pacsdb > dbexport`date +%d-%m-%Y"_"%H_%M_%S`.pgsql

postgres db recreate/import/restore etc
  1. Create user with permission to create databases:

     > sudo -u postgres createuser -U postgres -P -d <user-name>
     Enter password for new role: <user-password>
     Enter it again: <user-password>
  2. Create database:

     > createdb -h localhost -U <user-name> <database-name>
  3. Create tables and indexes:

     > psql -h localhost <database-name> <user-name> < dump.sql

Or use pgAdmin for dump/restore etc


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Nov 14, 2019, 6:05:55 AM11/14/19
to dcm4che
Thank you for your response.

I have followed the following. ldap backup and restore is successful.
DB backup is successful but did not succeeded in DB restore.
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chris bashall

Nov 15, 2019, 9:16:52 PM11/15/19
to dcm4che
could you use postgres master/ slave replication  for this ?
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