DCM4CHEE-ARC-LIGHT v5.12.0 - condition question for retention period

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Mar 28, 2018, 12:28:51 PM3/28/18
to dcm...@googlegroups.com
I'm trying to convert my DCM4CHEE 2.18.0 system to v5 and I would like to set all of the exams with a retention period.

Our policy is this:  any study that is older than 6 years and the patients DOB is over 21 years of age, the study can be deleted.

As I start to populate my new V5.12.0 system I need a condition to mark the older studies that qualify to be deleted.

Study Retention Policy:

Name:  exams older than 6years
Study Retention Period:  P1D
Rule Priority:  1
Conditions:  StudyDate<= (this is where I need help)
                       DateofBirth=(somehow write this as today minus 21 years)

Can someone help me with the conditions, as I need to somehow tell it that the StudyDate is older than 2190 days.   Also, another condition is the DateOfBirth needs to be older than 7665 days or 21 years.

Question:  Are these even the correct attributeIDs to give the conditions?  StudyDate &  DateOfBirth?

thanks all


Apr 4, 2018, 8:12:28 AM4/4/18
to dcm4che


Apr 4, 2018, 11:35:41 AM4/4/18
to dcm...@googlegroups.com
Thank you!
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