How to add another archive container using docker

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Carlos Uribe

Dec 3, 2017, 4:34:57 PM12/3/17
to dcm4che

I have followed the guide to "Run all archive services with secured UI on a single host" using Docker Compose available here:

I now want to add a second archive container.  This is what the guide says:
If you want to run more than one Archive container, you have to specify different values for environment variable UI_CLIENT_ID (default: dcm4chee-arc-ui), and register each of the Archive UIs in Keycloak.

I'm not exactly sure how to proceed.  Do I add another "arc" at the end of the docker-compose.yml file, including a new "docker-compose.env" , that has the new UI_CLIENT_ID for this new archive?  But if I do this, I guess this new container will require completely new ports?

Would the registration of the archive uid as an OICD client in keycloak also have https://<docker-host>:8443/dcm4chee-arc/ui2 as root URL?

My goal is to have 2 archives, each with an AE_TITLE and port.  If I send data to archive 1 it will be stored in dir1, but if I send data to archive 2 it will be stored in dir2.

Please help me finish this task.

Thank you.

Dec 13, 2017, 6:02:49 AM12/13/17
to dcm4che

If you just need to store objects on 2 different storage locations, you can do that with the help of just one archive having two Application Entities.
- You can clone the storage descriptor by going to : Archive UI -> Configuration -> Devices -> Edit device (dcm4chee-arc) -> Extensions (Edit extension) -> Extensions (Edit extension of archive device) -> Child Objects. Here you will find a list of Storage Descriptors.
- You can use the Clone option to have a second storage descriptor (you may change the values as needed while cloning) and Save.
- Once this is done, reference this cloned storage descriptor in the second Application Entity. For doing this, go back to the device list in Configuration page. Once there, follow Devices -> Edit device (dcm4chee-arc) -> Child Objects (select the 2nd Application Entity) -> Extensions (Edit extension of Network AE) -> Extensions (Edit extension of Archive Network AE). Select the Object Storage ID value as the one that you used while cloning and Save.

For further information on how a Storage can be configured, you can refer :

Carlos Uribe

Dec 14, 2017, 12:44:45 PM12/14/17
to dcm4che
Hi vrinda,

Thanks for the reply.  this was indeed what I was looking for thank you.  But just to clarify a bit, what is the appropriate way of creating the second Application Entity?  For now I'm cloning an existing one and then following the second part of the instructions.  Is this how it should be done?


Dec 15, 2017, 4:58:02 AM12/15/17
to dcm4che

If you want the second Application Entity to have exactly the same/similar transfer capabilities as the first application entity, it is better to clone the Application Entity (and if required, change any values as needed).
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