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Migrate dcm4chee 2.17.1 MySQL to dcm4chee 2.18.3 PostgreSQL

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Björn Albers

May 19, 2017, 4:53:44 PM5/19/17
to dcm4che

we have an source PACS running dcm4chee 2.17.1 MySQL with all data compressed in JPEG 2000 Lossless.
Now we wanna migrate to a new hardware and also change version (2.18.3), database (PostgreSQL) and compression (JPEG LS Lossless).

What's the best way to go?
And if this has to be done over the wire via DICOM: Are there any (command line) tools in order to automate this?

I don't want to manually export several TB via dcm4chee's web UI :-)



May 20, 2017, 2:45:53 AM5/20/17
to dcm4che
Bjorn, the upgrade can be tricky and might give you a lot of problems (

If you didn't do much customization on the 2.17.1 I think you are better off to install a clean copy of 2.18.3 on the new server and then just send your dicom files.

You can use the dcmsnd command from dcm4che toolkit (


which you run on your 2.17.1 server

$DCM4CHE2BIN the directory where you have installed the dcmsnd 
RESTOREAET is the AET name for your connection to the 2.18.3 server
$DESTAET is the AET of your 2.18.3 instance
$DESTPACSIP is the IP of your 2.18.3 instance
$DESTPACSPORT is the Port of your 2.18.3 instance
$SOURCEDATASTORE is the directory where your 2.17.1 server keeps all the raw dicom files (if you havent modified it it's in your Jboss_install_dir/server/default/archive/

Beware that, since you have several TB, I suggest that you run the above command on subdirectories of your datastore in order to send chunks of data at the time. So an example of the command could be:

/opt/dcm4che2/bin/dcmsnd -L RESTORING DCM4...@ /opt/dcm4chee/server/default/archive/2017/5/12/

Björn Albers

May 23, 2017, 9:47:17 AM5/23/17
to dcm4che
Hello Marko,

thanks for the reply.
To my understanding all changes - i.e. merging patients - are only stored in the database but not in raw DICOM files.
Of course we want to preserve these changes.
So unfortunately I can't use "dcmsnd".

But I found that the dcm4che 3 toolkit has a command "movescu" which is perfect for automation.
I've wrapped it in a small shell script and now it migrates our data via DICOM.



May 24, 2017, 3:12:34 AM5/24/17
to dcm4che
Hi Bjorn, it would be great if you could share your script.


Denis Shpekin

May 31, 2017, 10:16:56 AM5/31/17
to dcm4che
make up  clear  instance   dcm4che  , your need  version

and  use

to migrate  dicom data
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