I have problems with weasis-dcmlinux.

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informatica sos

Dec 13, 2019, 7:37:25 AM12/13/19
to dcm4che

Hi all. I am a new user in this and I have many doubts. So far I have survived but I have encountered a problem that I do not know how to solve, and I can not see the images through weasis.
I have installed dcmlinux, since this distribution comes with everything I need for the small place where I work.
I have modified my Ae_Title and the Port. I have also been able to receive studies and I have been able to send them from DCM4CHEE-WEB3 without major problems. Configure OVIYAM2 and I can access normally, with certain restrictions. But now I am trying to ingest "web" to the images through weasis-pacs-connector. I have followed the steps published on the official website, precisely the steps referred to DCM4CHEE-WEB3. I downloaded the files and put them in the deploy folder.
At the moment of clicking on the "eye" a window opens but inside I get an error which says:

 "HTTP Status 404 - / weasis-pacs-connector / weasis", "The requested resource (/ weasis-pacs-connector / weasis) is not available."
I have verified the log and I find this.

the url that is formed is like this
http: // localhost: 9083 / weasis-pacs-connector / weasis? patientID = 123456

--- Incompletely deployed packages ---
org.jboss.deployment.DeploymentInfo@10c97c7 {url = file: /var/dcmlinux/dcm4chee-2.18.1-mysql/server/default/deploy/weasis-pacs-connector.war}
  deployer: MBeanProxyExt [jboss.web: service = WebServer]
  status: Deployment FAILED reason: org / weasis / servlet / GetJnlpProtocol: Unsupported major.minor version 51.0
  state: FAILED
  watch: file: /var/dcmlinux/dcm4chee-2.18.1-mysql/server/default/deploy/weasis-pacs-connector.war
  altDD: null
  lastDeployed: 1576194696568
  lastModified: 1576194696000
on the other hand, in Jboss I have modified
dcm4chee.web / service = WebConfig
WebviewerNames = weasis
WebviewerBaseUrls = weasis: / weasis-pacs-connector / weasis

Can anyone tell me what should I modify? or where to study the error and thus understand it and find a solution?

informatica sos

Dec 16, 2019, 8:41:28 AM12/16/19
to dcm4che
I have downloaded the files:
* dicom-dcm4chee.properties
* weasis-pacs-connector.properties

and inside I modified these lines.
  in dicom-dcm4chee.properties:
    arc.aet = myAe
    arc.host =
    arc.port = 9083

  in weasis-pacs-connector.properties
    ##### DICOM AETitle for weasis-pacs-connector
    aet = myAe
    hosts.allow =
then I have pasted them into / default / conf

Even with these modifications I still have the same error message:

HTTP Status 404 - / weasis-pacs-connector / viewer / manifest

type Status report

message / weasis-pacs-connector / viewer / manifest

description The requested resource (/ weasis-pacs-connector / viewer / manifest) is not available.
JBossWeb / 2.0.1.GA


Nicolas Roduit

Dec 17, 2019, 5:01:02 AM12/17/19
to dcm4che
If you have issues with weasis-dcmlinux, please contact the people who provide this package. This is not an official package so I will not investigate on it.

> status: Deployment FAILED reason: org / weasis / servlet / GetJnlpProtocol: Unsupported major.minor version 51.0
This error means you install a package with a version of Java not supported.

If you read carefully the documentation and the readme of weasis-pacs-connector you should find how to correct the problem:

=> From weasis-pacs-connector folder:
  • [weasis-pacs-connector.war] Requires at least the version 6.1.5, the version 7.x is not supported
  • [dcm4chee-web-weasis.jar]
=> weasis-pacs-connector requires Java 8+ and a servlet container 3.1. This package is NOT compatible with dcm4chee 2.18.x that does not support Java 8.
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