HELP THIS NOVICE: dcm4chee 2.x.x and AGFA NX for archiving X-rays

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Denis Shrestha

Jul 17, 2016, 9:52:21 PM7/17/16
to dcm4che
I am a medical doctor - Cardiologist. Not so much IT friendly. From Nepal.
The message might be bit long - please kindly bear with me.

I have recently purchased AGFA CR system that works on NX workstation.
We usually do not print the X-rays films and rather store them, so that I can retrieve it in the future and also print the films if necessary.
Before AGFA I was using Kodak system, which had above mentioned functions in the workstation itself, with option to Store in JPEG and DICOM images and retrieve in future and Print the Film if required.
The problem I have:
1. NX system can only export JPEG to another drive and DICOM to DVD/CD ONLY.
2. But it cannot retrieve it back to NX system neither of the Formats.
3. Inside NX, it cannot store the images for long time due to disc space and starts deleting old X-rays for the space.
4. NX system has an archiving option, which ca be synced with PACS.
5. The local service support are experts on installation and maintenance. But they have never synced the NX with PACS before, and they have no clue, as no other hospital has asked them to do.

After an extensive research for more than a week I came across the dcm4chee 2.x archive. And another week of extensive installation process with many failures, I finally have managed to Install dcm4chee 2.17.3 and run it. Now I can login into the application.
But then, I realized after installation - I dont know what next.  Configuration of the dcm4chee is equally challenging and with my little knowledge on IT and noone to ask an expert advice who has any clue about DICOM imaging and storing systems, I am now kind of lost.
I tried to follow few instructions from the web, but kind of getting errors here and there.

Can any one please kindly HELP? With step by step process to configure and connect to NX system so that I can store the images and retrieve back to NX for Printing X-rays Films in future?

Right now I have dcm4chee installed and thats it. I dont know what to do next.

Your any advises and help will be highly appreciated. Thank you in advance.

Denis Shrestha

Jul 17, 2016, 10:22:11 PM7/17/16
to dcm4che
I am using OS: Windows (32 bits), MySQL, JDK 6.0, dcm2chee 2.17.3, jBoss 4.2.3 GA, dcm4chee arr 3.0.11

Arnold Maderthaner

Jul 28, 2016, 5:45:06 AM7/28/16
to dcm4che
Hi Denis !

maybe here some first steps/suggestions to get it working. 
To check if your installation is working fine I would try to get some dicom images from the web (fe. from or and send it with some utility to your system (f.te. dcmsnd or storescu from the dcm4che2/3 toolkits). With that you can check if everything is setuped correctly so that you are able to store afterwards images from NX to dcm4chee.

On the NX side it should normally be pretty easy to setup a PACS connection (if you have the right licenses for it). Basically you need to setup an AET (which consists of the name DCM4CHEE, the IP of the server and the DICOM Port 11112).

Denis Shrestha

Jul 29, 2016, 4:17:05 AM7/29/16
to dcm4che
Dear Arnold,
Thank you so much for the reply.
I have indeed managed to successfully test it and also connect to NX with dcm4chee. I have also managed to run it as a service, so it runs automatically whenever we turn on the computer. Now all the images of NX are transferred and stored in dcm4chee archive.
I can even login remotely within the premises and also from outside through internet.
Wonderful application.
I have one question on how to configure Storage Commitment with dcm4chee and NX? dcm4chee is receiving images successfully and there is an option in NX for storage commitment, that confirms images were successfully transferred to dcm4chee. I just dont know how to configure this in dcm4chee. Do I need to create a new AET in dcm4chee for NX? Do I need to configure something in Console?

Thank you.

Agustin Cesar

Aug 3, 2016, 6:43:59 PM8/3/16
to dcm4che
Well, since I believe you have manage to get to the NX configurator through the CRservice user. On the configurator you can check the option for storage commitment, but is actually not needed, I have 1 NX working withouth it and the storage runs just fine.

Antonio Gonzalez

Aug 7, 2016, 1:07:10 PM8/7/16
to dcm4che
Disculpa que te responda en español, pero facilmente lo puedes traducir

1.- Si intslaste la version 2.17.3 de dcm4chee y no hiciste cambios, deberias poder loguearte apuntando el navegador a http://IP_del_Servidor:8080/dcm4chee-web3
2.- Para poder recibir las imagenes de vuelta en la NX desde el pacs necesitas que la estacion de la NX tenga la licencia de Query/Retrive activa y configurarla.
3.- Para poder ver las imagenes en el PACS (dcm4chee), necesitas un visor, que puede ser: Weasis (soporta dicom print), Oviyam, Mayam, Ginkgo CADx, etc.

Si no tienes tiempo para lidiar con configuraciones te sugiero evalues usar el Proyecto Horos, que cumple con todas tus necesidades y en conjunto con dcm4chee se convierte en una solida respuesta a tus necesidades.

Saludos y siempre a tu orden.
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