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ATNA repository

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Jul 26, 2018, 5:11:40 AM7/26/18
to dcm4che
Hi everyone,

I am using dcm4chee 5.12.0 and would like to have an ATNA repository. I have seen from this post that the ATNA audit logs are available. But I don't know how to set up the repository. 
I found this installation for an audit record repository but I also noticed that I already have an ARR in my dcm4chee in the device "logstash" it is called syslog and the adress is localhost:514. 
Do I still need to complete the installation of the ARR ? 

Thanks a lot for answers !

Jul 26, 2018, 7:38:40 AM7/26/18
So, I realized some things about my previous post, I looked at the configurations : and Everything is OK so I doubt I have to do the ARR installation as mentionned in the above post.
But I still don't know how to access the audit messages... 

Gunter Zeilinger

Jul 26, 2018, 8:08:07 AM7/26/18
dcm4chee-arc 5.x just emits Audit Messages according IHE ATNA. You may use Elastic Stack as Audit Record Repository. s.

On Thu, Jul 26, 2018 at 1:38 PM, <> wrote:
So, I realized some things about my previous post, I looked at the configurations : and Everything is OK. 
But I still don't know how to access the audit messages... 

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Jul 26, 2018, 10:52:05 AM7/26/18
to dcm4che
Hello Gunterze,

Thanks for your answer it is exactly what I needed. I just have one last question : at the beginnig there is this sentence
"Ensure that there is a hostname entry in your DNS server for the docker host."
I don't know how to do that, I checked on google but didn't find anything that would tell me what the hostname entry for the docker host is. 
So I tried with localhost but I guess it is wrong because at some point I try to access https://localhost:8843/auth/admin/dcm4che/console and it doesn't work.
Do you know how to figure out the hostname ? (sorry the question isn't really about dcm4chee...)

Thank you !

Gunter Zeilinger

Jul 26, 2018, 11:05:39 AM7/26/18
It's not a must, but it simplifies the configuration of the docker containers, if the host name of the node, on which you run the docker engine, is resolvable inside of the containers. E.g. on Linux, the own host name is typically mapped in /etc/hosts to, so it will not work if a container resolve that host name to, because that points to the loop back address of the docker container and not of the docker host, so the container cannot connect to a port exported to the docker host from another container.


Jul 27, 2018, 9:57:17 AM7/27/18
to dcm4che

Thank you for your answer Gunterze, i do understand why it couldn't work with localhost. 

On docker I ran the command : ifconfig it showed me this

So I tried to use docker0 and eth0 as the <docker-host> but it won't even create the containers. 
Then I tried with the inet addr, the containers can be created but when I try to access https://inet_addr:8843/auth/admin/dcm4che/console
I get error_connection_timed_out
I don't know what else I could try now... 

Also I do have another question, if it worked would I have been able to access the logs at this adress https://inet_addr:8843/auth/admin/dcm4che/console ? 

Thank you so much for your time !


Aug 1, 2018, 3:19:41 AM8/1/18
to dcm4che
On Linux, you just need to adjust /etc/hosts to map your IP instead of to your host name and replace <docker-host> in ENV AUTH_SERVER_URL=https://<docker-host>:8843/auth by your host name.

Audit and System logs can be browsed using Kibana. In the sample docker-compose.yml, the kibana port 5601 is not mapped out from the container, to secure its access via the keycloak-proxy, listening on port 8601 (http) and 8643 (https).

Aug 1, 2018, 5:09:47 AM8/1/18
to dcm4che
Ok I get it now ! 
Thanks a lot Gunter !
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