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Jan 17, 2017, 3:10:45 AM1/17/17
to dcm4che

Hi , 

I would like to delete the last files in time as soon as free disk space usable <50GB.
For this I used the following setting (JMX group: ONLINE_STORAGE service: FileSystemMgt):
MinimumFreeDiskSpace: 50GB
DeleteStudyIfNotAccessedFor: 10w
DeleteStudyIfNotAccessedFor: 12w
ScheduleStudiesForDeletionOnSeriesStored: true
ScheduleStudiesForDeletionInterval: 12h

When I exceed 50GB the scheduler does not start.

I have read the description of all the attributes but it remains a bit complicated.
Can you tell me if my settings have errors that would explain why deleting old files via ScheduleStudiesForDeletionOnSeriesStored did not happen ?

Thank you very much in advance for your return.
Best regard


Jan 17, 2017, 7:08:59 AM1/17/17
to dcm4che
You must also consider the 'copy stored' deleter criteria - it will only delete if there is a known copy stored  e.g.

Use method: showDeleterCriteria()

Deleter Criteria: 
  1) External Retrievable
  2) Copy on Filesystem Group NEARLINE_STORAGE
  3) Copy must be archived
  4) Copy on a ReadOnly Filesystem
  5) Copy on Media

Jan 18, 2017, 4:47:56 AM1/18/17
to dcm4che
Thank you for your reply

I do not (and have not done) any action on the series I want to delete. My users have already retrieved the studies via the wado service "servicce.war" as a zip. So all my clients have home studies in zip form.
PS: These zip files are stored under /home/dcm4chee-2.17.2-mysql/server/default/ziptemp.

How does the system know that the files have been copied? If I do not put these criteria, the system will remove my old studies well, is not it ?

Best regard
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