De-identification PID format

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Jack Pipes

Jan 7, 2020, 4:04:55 AM1/7/20
to dcm4che
Hey everyone,

I successfully use de-identification on C_STORE_RQ which offer great perspective for our usage.

Is there a way to customise the PID format used when de-identifying ? 
For me, it gives anonymised PID looking like 'P-##########' and I would like to set the prefix by archive or so. 
Or even, is there a way to rely on an external system to provide the PID for the de-identification process ?

Many thanks for this awesome project and support, keep the great work !


Jack Pipes

Jan 7, 2020, 4:23:26 AM1/7/20
to dcm4che
Nervermind about the PID format , I found it :

Configuration > dcm4chee-arc > Extensions > Archive Device > ID Generator > PatientID

Any hint on relying on an external system/database to provide the de-identificated PIDs ?

Best regards

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