Error when calculating available disk space

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Algie Rosario

Jun 24, 2014, 4:32:16 AM6/24/14
Hi to All,

Were currently running RISPACS software and dcm4chee 2.17.1, we have 4 clients and one primary server as the database in one hospital.

Every 5am all the servers and database are being automatically restarted.
And this run before successfully for 2 months.

After 2 months, there always and error occurances. And the main two errors are:

1.) All modalities cannot send images to PACS.
2.) All images are not loaded in web.

The error is that it always making the "FreeDiskSpace" in ONLINE STORAGE in jmx-console to "0".
But when we check the drive it has 800gb of free space. 
The software is running in Physical machine and have McAfee Antivirus.

And the solutions we always do is to manually restart the server and database, services it have, and a lot .bat.
Any suggestions that might cause this errors? thanks.

Thank you and Best Regards,
Algie Rosario

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