Weasis downloads are very slow

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Bhavesh Pandey

Sep 3, 2019, 11:12:08 AM9/3/19
to dcm4che
Hi I am using dcm-arc-light and has deployed weasis on it. But weasis downloads are very slow. The zip download is very fast from the server for the same study. Is there any configuration in https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nroduit/weasis-pacs-connector/master/etc/dcm4chee-arc/weasis-pacs-connector.properties or https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nroduit/weasis-pacs-connector/master/etc/dcm4chee-arc/dicom-dcm4chee-arc.properties which I can increase to improve this bandwidth. I tried weasis.init.heap and weasis.max.heap and also thread.manifest.concurrency settings but it didn't work.

What can be the issue here and how can it be resolved.

Nicolas Roduit

Sep 6, 2019, 3:06:43 AM9/6/19
to dcm4che
There is no reason why it should be slower than a DICOM zip. The default configuration should allow good performance.

It can be related to any kind of contextual problems (antivirus, proxy...). Without detailed information (configuration, version of weasis, system, Java...) it is not possible to reproduce this problem.
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