How to get wildfly to correctly start automatically after reboot (CentOS7) "Content is obsolete and will be removed" error

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Carlos Uribe

Nov 28, 2017, 7:54:34 PM11/28/17
to dcm4che

I have deployed dcm4che-arc-light  5.10.5 and as long as I don't shut down wildfly it works fine.

I want to run wildfly as a service so in case the server is rebooted this service will start automatically and everything works again.

However, what I've noticed is that if I stop wildfly and restart it I get errors as it cannot find the deployment.  In fact, I can see that the deployment gets deleted from 

(the folder is now empty)

I checked the wildfly logs and found the following:

INFO  [] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 34) WFLYDR0009: Content /opt/wildfly-10.1.0.Final/standalone/data/content/58/279e3f40b79ccf06ab614d1536dc4d496efe1a is obsolete and will be removed

The way I get it to work again is by going to the 

file and removing everything contained in the 


Then I have to redeploy, and I see that the deployment gets created inside 

Everything then comes back to normal.

However, this issue is preventing me from being able to get wildfly to start at reboot.

Does someone have a solution for this?

Thank you in advance


Nov 29, 2017, 4:03:35 AM11/29/17
to dcm4che
I think you are mixing up some things - and you are describing two problems in one thread:
  1. App "Deployment" takes place in standalone/deployments, not in standalone/data
  2. To run WildFly on boot, you have to write a systemd unit file (what is in fact an ini-file).

Carlos Uribe

Nov 29, 2017, 1:05:13 PM11/29/17
to dcm4che
Hi Linuxfabrik,

Thanks for your reply.  I just want to clarify that 

"2. To run WildFly on boot, you have to write a systemd unit file (what is in fact an ini-file)."  
 I know how to do this, I was just trying to explain what I want to do.  My problem is still related to you number 1.

Do I need to redeploy every time I start wildfly?

 only has a README.txt file in it.

When I deploy following the instructions of the guide 

Deploy DCM4CHEE Archive 5.x using JBoss CLI, e.g.:

[standalone@localhost:9990 /] deploy $DCM4CHEE_ARC/deploy/dcm4chee-arc-ear-5.x-psql.ear

There is a folder that gets added to 

not to 

And that file gets removed by wildfly after a couple of minutes of running.  Everything works fine except when I restart wildfly, because the files located in /standalone/data are not there anymore, I run into a problem that requires me to manually delete some info about the old deployment in the xml and redeploy. Is this issue that is not allowing me to perform the server startup at boot.

Am I supposed to manually place any files in 

If you have any suggestions please let me know

thanks in advance

Steven De Groote

Apr 19, 2018, 7:43:28 AM4/19/18
to dcm4che
Hi Carlos,

I'm experiencing the same issue with Wildfly 10.1.0
However, I have also found there are a number of changes done to the (un)deployer for Wildfly 11.0, so maybe upgrading will solve the issues.

Did you try this?

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