Hi all,
I'm new and I'm tring to build dcm4chee from SVN repository, tag 2.18.1, but I have errors when it starts-up.
No compile errors, but server starts with many errors.... (I attached boot and server logs)
I "googled" and checked:
1) /etc/hosts file and FQDN
2) directory and file permissions (setted to 777)
I also tried to run the dcm4chee-2.18.1 binary distribution and it starts clean.
My Configuration:
Ubuntu 14.04 64 bit
Java JDK 1.6 64 bit
MySQL 5.5
JBoss 4.2.3 GA
Eclipse Luna
Maven 3.2.1
Ant 1.9.2
XDoclet 1.2.3
PS: Sorry for my english and thanks to all that'll try to help me!!