Source AET list in Navigation page

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Jan 7, 2020, 12:30:32 AM1/7/20
to dcm4che

I have deployed dcm4chee-arc-psql:5.20.0-secure (dockerized) on Debian OS. In this version there is a searching field as Sending AET of Series which is a very good feature.

In dcm4chee navigation page, there are multiple columns like Patient's, Name Patient ID, Accession etc etc from which we can easily see the patient's information related to the given column title. I would like to suggest / share my thought if there is a column like "Source AET" or "Sending AET" etc in which we can see the AET of sending modality against each study within the Navigation page.

I am attaching a screenshot for example and better understanding.
PACS-List - 01.jpg
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