Forwarding DICOM study from dcm4chee to another modality

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Sorcerer Stone

May 10, 2020, 3:56:07 PM5/10/20
to dcm4che
Hello All,
I am running dcm4chee-arc-light using docker image from Github.
To understand how dcm4chee works, I was able to send studies from an external modality to dcm4chee.
Now, I want to send a study inside dcm4chee to the external modality. I have been looking for a long time at the UI. But I am not able to figure out how this can be done.
Would someone kindly suggest how I can achieve this?
Is there some documentation on how dcm4chee-arc-light works? I came across URL that describes dcm4chee V2 (probably obsolete) and the UI describes in that web has no resemblance to the UI in dcm4chee-arc-light.
I have attached a screenshot of the AETitles in my dcm4chee setup (with the intended external AET where I want to send the study to highlighted) and another screenshot of the study in dcm4chee I want to forward.
Thanks in advance.
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