dcm4chee-arc-light http vs https and user roles

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Nov 5, 2020, 10:09:18 AM11/5/20
to dcm...@googlegroups.com

I have deployed a test setup of the latest dcm4chee-arc-light-secured-ui-unsecured-restful. I have used latest Keycloak and Wildfly. When I use secured connection to the arc's UI https://localhost:8443/dcm4chee-arc/ui2 everything seems to work fine. I can log in as admin or user with appropriate user roles. I can log out with top side drop down menu. But when I use unsecured http://localhost:8080/dcm4chee-arc/ui2 connection, after I a have logged in, arc's UI looks just like unsecured UI. Admin and user have the same roles with admin's rights. There are no top side drop down menu with logout item. There are no errors or warnings in both Keycloak's and ARC's logs. Only when I do sequentially http: login (there are no logout menu), then https: login and logout, I can see warning.
Is this strange behavior related to my setup, or it works as expected?


Nov 5, 2020, 10:34:46 AM11/5/20
to dcm4che
Sorry, I have found a problem with my setup. I forgot to add 'http://localhost:8080' web origin to dcm4chee-arc-ui client of Keycloak. The problem is solved.
четверг, 5 ноября 2020 г., 20:09:18 UTC+5 пользователь zaka написал:
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