Weasis web version - pressing the eye icon is not starting weasis

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Victor S

Oct 14, 2019, 9:22:12 AM10/14/19
to dcm...@googlegroups.com

I installed dcm4chee-arc-5.18.1-psql-secure-ui and all seems fine:
- I can store DICOM studies
- I can retrieve DICOM studies using Weasis desktop client

I also installed weasis-web using the instructions for dcm4chee-arc-light from here.
All went apparently well, but when I access the eye from the web interface nothing happens(I attached an image with the web interface).
This is what wildfly logs show when I press the eye in the web interface:
15:53:38,579 INFO  [org.dcm4che3.net.Connection] (EE-ManagedExecutorService-default-Thread-2) Accept connection Socket[addr=/,port=54021,localport=11112]
15:53:38,581 INFO  [org.dcm4che3.net.Association] (EE-ManagedExecutorService-default-Thread-13) DCM4CHEE<-PACS-CONNECTOR(13) >> A-ASSOCIATE-RQ
15:53:38,581 INFO  [org.dcm4che3.net.Association] (EE-ManagedExecutorService-default-Thread-13) DCM4CHEE<-PACS-CONNECTOR(13) << A-ASSOCIATE-AC
15:53:38,581 INFO  [org.dcm4che3.net.Dimse] (EE-ManagedExecutorService-default-Thread-13) DCM4CHEE<-PACS-CONNECTOR(13) >> 1:C-FIND-RQ[pcid=1, prior=0
  cuid=1.2.840.10008. - Study Root Query/Retrieve Information Model - FIND
  tsuid=1.2.840.10008.1.2 - Implicit VR Little Endian]
15:53:38,581 INFO  [org.dcm4chee.arc.query.scp.CommonCFindSCP] (EE-ManagedExecutorService-default-Thread-13) DCM4CHEE<-PACS-CONNECTOR(13): Process C-FIND RQ:
(0008,0020) DA [] StudyDate
(0008,0030) TM [] StudyTime
(0008,0050) SH [] AccessionNumber
(0008,0052) CS [STUDY] QueryRetrieveLevel
(0008,0061) CS [] ModalitiesInStudy
(0008,0090) PN [] ReferringPhysicianName
(0008,1030) LO [] StudyDescription
(0010,0010) PN [] PatientName
(0010,0020) LO [1700627272707] PatientID
(0010,0021) LO [] IssuerOfPatientID
(0010,0030) DA [] PatientBirthDate
(0010,0040) CS [] PatientSex
(0020,000D) UI [] StudyInstanceUID
(0020,0010) SH [] StudyID

15:53:38,585 INFO  [org.dcm4che3.net.Dimse] (EE-ManagedExecutorService-default-Thread-14) DCM4CHEE<-PACS-CONNECTOR(13) << 1:C-FIND-RSP[pcid=1, status=ff00H
  cuid=1.2.840.10008. - Study Root Query/Retrieve Information Model - FIND
  tsuid=1.2.840.10008.1.2 - Implicit VR Little Endian]
15:53:38,585 INFO  [org.dcm4che3.net.Dimse] (EE-ManagedExecutorService-default-Thread-14) DCM4CHEE<-PACS-CONNECTOR(13) << 1:C-FIND-RSP[pcid=1, status=0H
  cuid=1.2.840.10008. - Study Root Query/Retrieve Information Model - FIND
  tsuid=1.2.840.10008.1.2 - Implicit VR Little Endian]
15:53:38,586 INFO  [org.dcm4che3.net.Association] (EE-ManagedExecutorService-default-Thread-13) DCM4CHEE<-PACS-CONNECTOR(13) >> A-RELEASE-RQ
15:53:38,586 INFO  [org.dcm4che3.net.Association] (EE-ManagedExecutorService-default-Thread-13) DCM4CHEE<-PACS-CONNECTOR(13) << A-RELEASE-RP
15:53:38,587 INFO  [org.dcm4che3.net.Connection] (EE-ManagedExecutorService-default-Thread-2) Accept connection Socket[addr=/,port=54165,localport=11112]
15:53:38,587 INFO  [org.dcm4che3.net.Association] (EE-ManagedExecutorService-default-Thread-14) DCM4CHEE<-PACS-CONNECTOR(14) >> A-ASSOCIATE-RQ
15:53:38,587 INFO  [org.dcm4che3.net.Association] (EE-ManagedExecutorService-default-Thread-14) DCM4CHEE<-PACS-CONNECTOR(14) << A-ASSOCIATE-AC
15:53:38,587 INFO  [org.dcm4che3.net.Dimse] (EE-ManagedExecutorService-default-Thread-14) DCM4CHEE<-PACS-CONNECTOR(14) >> 1:C-FIND-RQ[pcid=1, prior=0
  cuid=1.2.840.10008. - Study Root Query/Retrieve Information Model - FIND
  tsuid=1.2.840.10008.1.2 - Implicit VR Little Endian]
15:53:38,587 INFO  [org.dcm4chee.arc.query.scp.CommonCFindSCP] (EE-ManagedExecutorService-default-Thread-14) DCM4CHEE<-PACS-CONNECTOR(14): Process C-FIND RQ:
(0008,0052) CS [SERIES] QueryRetrieveLevel
(0008,0060) CS [] Modality
(0008,103E) LO [] SeriesDescription
(0020,000D) UI [] StudyInstanceUID
(0020,000E) UI [] SeriesInstanceUID
(0020,0011) IS [] SeriesNumber

15:53:38,593 INFO  [org.dcm4che3.net.Dimse] (EE-ManagedExecutorService-default-Thread-13) DCM4CHEE<-PACS-CONNECTOR(14) << 1:C-FIND-RSP[pcid=1, status=ff00H
  cuid=1.2.840.10008. - Study Root Query/Retrieve Information Model - FIND
  tsuid=1.2.840.10008.1.2 - Implicit VR Little Endian]
15:53:38,593 INFO  [org.dcm4che3.net.Dimse] (EE-ManagedExecutorService-default-Thread-13) DCM4CHEE<-PACS-CONNECTOR(14) << 1:C-FIND-RSP[pcid=1, status=0H
  cuid=1.2.840.10008. - Study Root Query/Retrieve Information Model - FIND
  tsuid=1.2.840.10008.1.2 - Implicit VR Little Endian]
15:53:38,594 INFO  [org.dcm4che3.net.Association] (EE-ManagedExecutorService-default-Thread-14) DCM4CHEE<-PACS-CONNECTOR(14) >> A-RELEASE-RQ
15:53:38,594 INFO  [org.dcm4che3.net.Association] (EE-ManagedExecutorService-default-Thread-14) DCM4CHEE<-PACS-CONNECTOR(14) << A-RELEASE-RP
15:53:38,595 INFO  [org.dcm4che3.net.Connection] (EE-ManagedExecutorService-default-Thread-2) Accept connection Socket[addr=/,port=59139,localport=11112]
15:53:38,595 INFO  [org.dcm4che3.net.Association] (EE-ManagedExecutorService-default-Thread-13) DCM4CHEE<-PACS-CONNECTOR(15) >> A-ASSOCIATE-RQ
15:53:38,595 INFO  [org.dcm4che3.net.Association] (EE-ManagedExecutorService-default-Thread-13) DCM4CHEE<-PACS-CONNECTOR(15) << A-ASSOCIATE-AC
15:53:38,595 INFO  [org.dcm4che3.net.Dimse] (EE-ManagedExecutorService-default-Thread-13) DCM4CHEE<-PACS-CONNECTOR(15) >> 1:C-FIND-RQ[pcid=1, prior=0
  cuid=1.2.840.10008. - Study Root Query/Retrieve Information Model - FIND
  tsuid=1.2.840.10008.1.2 - Implicit VR Little Endian]
15:53:38,595 INFO  [org.dcm4chee.arc.query.scp.CommonCFindSCP] (EE-ManagedExecutorService-default-Thread-13) DCM4CHEE<-PACS-CONNECTOR(15): Process C-FIND RQ:
(0008,0018) UI [] SOPInstanceUID
(0008,0052) CS [IMAGE] QueryRetrieveLevel
(0020,000D) UI [] StudyInstanceUID
(0020,000E) UI [] SeriesInstance
(0020,0013) IS [] InstanceNumber

15:53:38,601 INFO  [org.dcm4che3.net.Dimse] (EE-ManagedExecutorService-default-Thread-14) DCM4CHEE<-PACS-CONNECTOR(15) << 1:C-FIND-RSP[pcid=1, status=ff00H
  cuid=1.2.840.10008. - Study Root Query/Retrieve Information Model - FIND
  tsuid=1.2.840.10008.1.2 - Implicit VR Little Endian]
15:53:38,602 INFO  [org.dcm4che3.net.Dimse] (EE-ManagedExecutorService-default-Thread-14) DCM4CHEE<-PACS-CONNECTOR(15) << 1:C-FIND-RSP[pcid=1, status=0H
  cuid=1.2.840.10008. - Study Root Query/Retrieve Information Model - FIND
  tsuid=1.2.840.10008.1.2 - Implicit VR Little Endian]
15:53:38,602 INFO  [org.dcm4che3.net.Association] (EE-ManagedExecutorService-default-Thread-13) DCM4CHEE<-PACS-CONNECTOR(15) >> A-RELEASE-RQ
15:53:38,602 INFO  [org.dcm4che3.net.Association] (EE-ManagedExecutorService-default-Thread-13) DCM4CHEE<-PACS-CONNECTOR(15) << A-RELEASE-RP
15:53:38,603 INFO  [stdout] (pool-10-thread-5) 2019-10-14 15:53:38,602 [ool-10-thread-5] INFO  o.w.d.m.t.ManifestBuilder Build Manifest in 23 ms [id=5]
15:53:38,636 INFO  [org.dcm4che3.net.Association] (EE-ManagedScheduledExecutorService-default-Thread-1) DCM4CHEE<-PACS-CONNECTOR(13): close Socket[addr=localhost/,port=54021,localport=11112]
15:53:38,644 INFO  [org.dcm4che3.net.Association] (EE-ManagedScheduledExecutorService-default-Thread-2) DCM4CHEE<-PACS-CONNECTOR(14): close Socket[addr=localhost/,port=54165,localport=11112]
15:53:38,652 INFO  [org.dcm4che3.net.Association] (EE-ManagedScheduledExecutorService-default-Thread-1) DCM4CHEE<-PACS-CONNECTOR(15): close Socket[addr=localhost/,port=59139,localport=11112]

Thank you.

Marina Mota

Oct 14, 2019, 10:58:07 AM10/14/19
to dcm4che
 I'm facing the same problem here...

Nicolas Roduit

Oct 15, 2019, 3:08:18 AM10/15/19
to dcm4che
Log doesn't show any issues (the manifest is completed without error).

Please describe which browser is used and did you try with other browsers because there is a bug with some IE 11 versions.

Did you try the configuration without weasis-pacs-connector?  

Victor S

Oct 15, 2019, 8:17:27 AM10/15/19
to dcm...@googlegroups.com
I tested in these browsers:
- Chrome version 77.0.3865.120(is the latest version). Here, when I press the eye chrome seems to do nothing. Looking with the F12 in the console I can see a lot of messages - like in the image attached
- IE 11 - atfer I press the eye IE 11 displays an error message: "Can’t reach this page. Make sure the web address is correct"
- Microsoft edge where after I press the eye it reloads the studies page but doesn't starts weasis.

So, in the end, I wanted to see exactly what is happening at HTTP level so I looked at a Fiddler trace and I could see that when I press the eye in the Chrome there is a HTTP request like this: 

The HTTP response has no body and the header is:
HTTP/1.1 302 Found
Connection: keep-alive
Location: weasis://$dicom:get+-w+""+$weasis:config+cdb=""+cdb-ext=""+auth="....."
Content-Length: 0
Date: Tue, 15 Oct 2019 11:53:58 GMT

So I tried to load this link from the header and:
- in Chrome nothing happens, no logging, I looked with F12 in the browser console and at the wildfly server log
- in Edge nothing happens - Edge seems to "think" about something - is showing the spinning wheel. At the wildfly server log, there is nothing
- in IE 11 weasis starts but gives me the message: 
Error on loading the XML Manifest from"
Server response: Not Found

At the wildfly server logs I can see: 
15:12:14,866 INFO  [stdout] (default task-13) 2019-10-15 15:12:14,865 [default task-13] ERROR o.w.s.RequestManifest     No 'ManifestBuilder' found with id=18

I don't have weasis 3.5.4-rc, I only have 3.5.3 and I can't find the download of the new version so I didn't tested bypassing the pacs connector.
But I tried to load this link and I receive the message: 
RESTEASY003210: Could not find resource for full path:
I think I wrote something wrong here.

Victor S

Oct 15, 2019, 8:46:22 AM10/15/19
to dcm...@googlegroups.com
Sorry Nicolas, I've seen now that you actually provided a link to Weasis 3.5.4 RC. I installed this new version and I loaded in Chrome this link: 
weasis://$dicom:rs --url "" -r "&patientID={****************}"  --query-ext "&includedefaults=false" --accept-ext="transfer-syntax=*"
Weasis started but the patient data wasn't displayed.
But I guess something is wrong because the link
RESTEASY003210: Could not find resource for full path:
when I load it in the browser.


Marina Mota

Oct 15, 2019, 9:12:42 AM10/15/19
to dcm4che
I was using the 3.5.3 version and the weasis-pacs-connector, with Firefox, after pressing the eye icon of the Study nothing happened. Trying with Google Chrome I got the error that is in attached. In this both situation the log is Ok, similar to what Victor posted
The URL of Invoke Image was:


In both browsers, pressing the eye icon of the Patient it opens another window with error 400

So I tried the 3.5.4 version disabling the weasis-pacs-connector as suggested. With URL configurations as:


But I was not able to access weasis, this time got error 404 for the Study, and 400 to the Patient. I tried the other URL configuration but got the same errors.
Captura de tela_2019-10-15_09-11-23.png

Nicolas Roduit

Oct 20, 2019, 1:19:18 PM10/20/19
to dcm4che
Start by verifying that the DICOMWeb services work correctly. In unsecured mode (HTTP), you should receive a JSON file with

The different configurations possible with dcm4chee-arc-light:
  • with weasis-pacs-connector:
    • Invoke URL in the documentation in step 5 requires to install weasis.war at the server side
    • adding "&cdb" to the URL allows using only the native version
  • without weasis-pacs-connector:
    • required weasis 3.5.4 as described here.

Nicolas Roduit

Oct 20, 2019, 1:22:35 PM10/20/19
to dcm4che
Your system seems to not support custom URI scheme. On which system are you running?
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