For the Study Root Query/Retrieve Information Model DICOM defines 3 levels:
(1) Study, (2) Series, and (3) Composite Object Instance
I'd like to query the Status of a Performed Procedure Step, but I don't know on which level it is, because on dcm4chee's user interface it seems to be somehow in between Study and Series (sorry for the German titles):
I'm trying on the Study level like
assocReq.addPresentationContext(new PresentationContext(1, "1.2.840.10008.", "1.2.840.10008.1.2"));
Attributes atts = new Attributes();
atts.setString(0x00080052, VR.LO, "STUDY"); // Query Level
atts.setString(0x0020000D, VR.UI, "1.2.826..."); // Study Instance UID - IT WORKS
atts.setString(0x00080020, VR.DA); // Study Date - IT WORKS
atts.setString(0x00081030, VR.LO); // Study Description - IT WORKS
atts.setString(0x00400252, VR.CS); // PPS Status <-- SHOULD RETURN "COMPLETED" BUT NOTHING IS RETURNED
assoc.cfind("1.2.840.10008.", 0x0000, atts, "1.2.840.10008.1.2", ...
but I cannot retrieve any information about the Performed Procedure Step. (The Study contains only one Performed Procedure Step.)
Maybe it's out of scope of the Study Root Query/Retrieve Information Model and I have to do it with some other SOP? Or what's the right way to query this information?