how to write multiple image to dicom file?

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Александр Коробов

Oct 27, 2017, 9:12:24 AM10/27/17
to dcm4che
I need help. How to record multiple jpg files to dcm file. I saw the source code of the utility Jpg2Dcm. But how to record multiple images?

Oct 30, 2017, 4:50:06 AM10/30/17
to dcm4che
Do you want to create a Dicom multi-frame? Also, do you want to write the jpeg files as is, or do you want to have the decompressed images in the resulting files?
In any case Compressor[1] and Decompressor[2] contain the code to handle multi-frames. Dcm2Dcm[3] (sourcecode for the commandline tool) shows how to use them.

Disclaimer: My experiences with Compressor and Decompressor have been mixed. It is a starting point for sure, though and there's a good chance it works just fine for your case ;)

Александр Коробов

Oct 30, 2017, 6:11:42 AM10/30/17
to dcm4che
No multi-frame, I think not suitable for my problem. But I need to send to PACS server, for the same series of up to 15 images.

понедельник, 30 октября 2017 г., 11:50:06 UTC+3 пользователь написал:

Oct 30, 2017, 7:44:41 AM10/30/17
to dcm4che
If you need to group multiple images into one series, you'd need to create multiple dicom files (one for each image), each with the same Study Instance UID, the same Series Instance UID and differen SOP Instance UIDs (i.e. the image's UID). You should be able to send the Dicom files in any order, and a good PACS should be able to group them, based on the UIDs.

Hope that helps ;)

Александр Коробов

Oct 30, 2017, 8:16:48 AM10/30/17
to dcm4che
Works perfectly. Thanks for the help.

понедельник, 30 октября 2017 г., 14:44:41 UTC+3 пользователь написал:
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