dcm4chee 5 create duplicate patients

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Nicolas Roduit

Apr 15, 2021, 5:05:07 PM4/15/21
to dcm4che

During data migration to dcm4chee 5.23.1, we notice the presence of several duplicate patient identities with the same patient ID and the same Issuer Of Patient ID).

These duplicated elements are very rare (1/1000) and occur at a few ms interval.

The particularity is that there are 3 DICOM connections that send to dcm4chee with sometimes series of the same patient in 2 or 3 different DICOM connections. Another specificity is that we have created a rule (Attribute Coercion) that cancels the content of the Issuer Of Patient ID field.

We believe that this problem is related to the concurrence of sending series of the same patient.

 Although the number of cases is quite low, we are not able to fix them in the UI:

  • Merging patients of these duplicates does not work.
  • The transfer of exams from one patient to the other patient does not work either.

Is there a procedure for merging these duplicate patients?

Nicolas Roduit

Apr 21, 2021, 10:51:33 AM4/21/21
to dcm4che
Here is the result in the postgres DB with the option "Accept Conflicting Patient ID" to MERGE:

The patient name is also exactly the same for the 3 entries.

I can open an issue if it's a bug.
And what is the workaround to get these identical patients to be merged ?

Gunter Zeilinger

Apr 22, 2021, 5:36:50 AM4/22/21
to dcm4che
Could reproduce the issue => #3154 (lists SQL statements to remove duplicates)

Gunter Zeilinger

Apr 22, 2021, 6:49:08 AM4/22/21
to dcm4che
The error only occurs, if the Patient ID is not qualified by an Issuer of Patient ID or by an Universal Entity ID and Universal Entity ID Type in an item of the Issuer of Patient ID Qualifier Sequence.

Nicolas Roduit

Apr 22, 2021, 11:54:59 AM4/22/21
to dcm4che
Thanks for the feedback. I confirm that the SQL workaround works correctly.
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