aet title for specific users

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Feb 20, 2016, 7:26:35 AM2/20/16
to dcm4che

Is it possible in dcm4chee to configure that specific users can see specific ae titles?

For example in web3 user John can only see AE titles: AE1, AE2, AE3
and user Steve can only see AE titles: AE4, AE5, AE6

User John cannot see AE4, AE5, AE6
User Steve cannot see AE1, AE2, AE3

Is it possible to do that in dcm4chee?

Thank you

Funky Koval

Feb 24, 2016, 3:16:45 AM2/24/16
to dcm4che

you need to create two roles for both users eg. role1 for john and role2 for Steve and add them to "AET" group
then create AET Groups (Aplication Entities - AE Groups) with assigned AETs
role1 - AE1, AE2, AE3
role2 - AE4, AE5, AE6


Feb 26, 2016, 10:58:13 AM2/26/16
to dcm4che
Funky Koval, thank you very much.
In some way i succeed but i have one question:

i created two roles and i assigned selected AETs:

role1 - AE1, AE2, AE3
role2 - AE4, AE5, AE6

for role1 - username: John
for role2 - username: Steve

Also for role1 in AET i selected group: "AETs for John".
For role 2 in AET i selected group: "AETs for Steve".

But when user John login in dcm4chee and go to Application Entities he can see all AETs: AE1, AE2, AE3, AE4, AE5, AE6
One thing which is good when user John want to export images it can see just: AE1, AE2, AE3 which is excellent.

Also user Steve login in dcm4chee and go to Application Entities he can see all AETs: AE1, AE2, AE3, AE4, AE5, AE6
And also when try to export he can just see: AE4, AE5, AE6 which is excellent.

Is is possible when users login to dcm4chee, and when go to Application Entities just to see their AETs? I can't figure out how to do that.
I know that i can disable Application Entities so that user cannot see that, but i am interested is it possible that users when press Application Entities just to see his AETs.



Feb 26, 2016, 12:37:10 PM2/26/16
to dcm4che
What other roles have you assigned to your users? e.g. WebUser role has access to all AEs by default.


Feb 27, 2016, 4:31:44 AM2/27/16
to dcm4che
For user John, i just assigned "role1".
For user Steve, i just assigned "role2"

I didn't assigned any other roles to those users.

As i said earlier, when try to export images, it works excellent, users see theirs AE titles, but problem is with Application Entities button, because users can see all AETs in dcm4chee.

Do i need something more to configure in order that users can see just theirs AETs?

Funky Koval

Feb 29, 2016, 5:21:11 AM2/29/16
to dcm4che
yes, I forgot something
edit roles - AET (clik on AET pic.), and set appropriate AET instead *


Feb 29, 2016, 8:55:56 AM2/29/16
to dcm4che
Hello Funky,

Thank you again for help.
I also configured as you suggested but again user John can see all AETs and user Steve can also see all AETs.

I will upload few images to see how i configure.

First i make role1 and you can see that i choose  ae group 1

The same for role 2 i choose ae group 2

Than i configure role 1 and role 2 in the same way. I will show image just for role 1

I configure also AE Groups and assign AETs to users John and Steve:

And then when users John log-in, he can see all AE titles (AET1, AET2, AET3, AET4, AET5, AET6) instead AET1, AET2, AET3 ?

And then when users Steve log-in, he can see all AE titles (AET1, AET2, AET3, AET4, AET5, AET6) instead AET4, AET5, AET6?

Did i configure something wrong?
Question is the same, how that users John see his AE titles, and user Steve to see his AE titles?

Funky Koval

Feb 29, 2016, 9:23:17 AM2/29/16
to dcm4che

the above configuration is about availability stored studies depending on the source AET (see: Source AET filter or  Export - destination AET)
it's doesn't work for AE list in web3-Aplication Entities, its only for system admin, you can just disable AEs* in Web group for that roles


Feb 29, 2016, 10:08:30 AM2/29/16
to dcm4che

For exporting it works as desired, for AE tab i know that i can disable it.

Thanks for help
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