DCMMWL Socket /A-RELEASE-RQ error when Querying AGFA Worklist Server

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Ruben del Pozo

Jun 6, 2013, 1:04:24 PM6/6/13


I'm querying 5 different worklist servers (GE, Carestream....), but when I query to an AGFA Worklist server I get the following "socket error" (see log)

Ping OK and port 3320 Open.

Any ideas? I'm going crazy!

Thank you!

 ../dcm4che-2.0.26/bin/dcmmwl  NM...@ -date 20130606 -r 0032000A -L MR-CAM
18:47:27,176 INFO   - Association(1) initiated Socket[addr=/,port=3320,localport=33682]
18:47:27,178 INFO   - NM01(1): A-ASSOCIATE-RQ NM01 << MR-CAM
18:47:31,673 INFO   - NM01(1): A-ASSOCIATE-AC MRCAM >> NM01
Connected to NM...@ in 4.54s
Send Query Request:
(0008,0050) SH #0 [] Accession Number
(0008,0090) PN #0 [] Referring Physician?s Name
(0010,0010) PN #0 [] Patient?s Name
(0010,0020) LO #0 [] Patient ID
(0010,0030) DA #0 [] Patient?s Birth Date
(0010,0040) CS #0 [] Patient?s Sex
(0010,1030) DS #0 [] Patient?s Weight
(0010,2000) LO #0 [] Medical Alerts
(0010,2110) LO #0 [] Allergies
(0010,21C0) US #0 [] Pregnancy Status
(0020,000D) UI #0 [] Study Instance UID
(0032,000A) CS #0 [] Study Status ID
(0032,1032) PN #0 [] Requesting Physician
(0032,1033) LO #0 [] Requesting Service
(0032,1060) LO #0 [] Requested Procedure Description
(0032,1064) SQ #-1 [1 item] Requested Procedure Code Sequence
>ITEM #1:
(0038,0010) LO #0 [] Admission ID
(0038,0050) LO #0 [] Special Needs
(0038,0300) LO #0 [] Current Patient Location
(0038,0500) LO #0 [] Patient State
(0040,0100) SQ #-1 [1 item] Scheduled Procedure Step Sequence
>ITEM #1:
>(0008,0060) CS #0 [] Modality
>(0032,1070) LO #0 [] Requested Contrast Agent
>(0040,0001) AE #0 [] Scheduled Station AE Title
>(0040,0002) DA #8 [20130606] Scheduled Procedure Step Start Date
>(0040,0003) TM #0 [] Scheduled Procedure Step Start Time
>(0040,0006) PN #0 [] Scheduled Performing Physician?s Name
>(0040,0007) LO #0 [] Scheduled Procedure Step Description
>(0040,0008) SQ #-1 [1 item] Scheduled Protocol Code Sequence
>>ITEM #1:
>(0040,0009) SH #0 [] Scheduled Procedure Step ID
>(0040,0010) SH #0 [] Scheduled Station Name
>(0040,0011) SH #0 [] Scheduled Procedure Step Location
>(0040,0012) LO #0 [] Pre-Medication
>(0040,0020) CS #0 [] Scheduled Procedure Step Status
(0040,1001) SH #0 [] Requested Procedure ID
(0040,1003) SH #0 [] Requested Procedure Priority
(0040,1004) LO #0 [] Patient Transport Arrangements
(0040,2016) LO #0 [] Placer Order Number / Imaging Service Request
(0040,2017) LO #0 [] Filler Order Number / Imaging Service Request
(0040,3001) LO #0 [] Confidentiality Constraint on Patient Data Description

18:47:31,811 INFO   - NM01(1) << 1:C-FIND-RQ[pcid=1, prior=0
        cuid=1.2.840.10008. Worklist Information Model - FIND
        ts=1.2.840.10008.1.2/Implicit VR Little Endian]
18:47:51,682 INFO   - NM01(1) << A-ABORT[source=0, reason=0]
18:47:51,732 INFO   - NM01(1): close Socket[addr=/,port=3320,localport=33682]
org.dcm4che2.net.pdu.AAbort: A-ABORT[source=0, reason=0]
        at org.dcm4che2.net.Association.abort(Association.java:355)
        at org.dcm4che2.net.Association$2.visit(Association.java:1197)
        at org.dcm4che2.util.IntHashtable.accept(IntHashtable.java:210)
        at org.dcm4che2.net.Association.checkIdle(Association.java:1191)
        at org.dcm4che2.net.AssociationReaper$1.run(AssociationReaper.java:102)
        at java.util.TimerThread.mainLoop(Timer.java:555)
        at java.util.TimerThread.run(Timer.java:505)
18:47:51,734 WARN   - i/o exception in State Sta1
java.net.SocketException: Socket closed
        at java.net.SocketInputStream.socketRead0(Native Method)
        at java.net.SocketInputStream.read(SocketInputStream.java:150)
        at java.net.SocketInputStream.read(SocketInputStream.java:121)
        at org.dcm4che2.net.PDUDecoder.readFully(PDUDecoder.java:101)
        at org.dcm4che2.net.PDUDecoder.nextPDU(PDUDecoder.java:155)
        at org.dcm4che2.net.Association.run(Association.java:859)
        at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:722)
18:47:51,742 WARN   - unable to send A-RELEASE-RQ in state: Sta1
Released connection to NM...@

Ruben del Pozo

Jun 7, 2013, 9:31:25 AM6/7/13
to dcm...@googlegroups.com

Problem SOLVED. It was AGFA's fault. They were sending incomplete data.

Thank you
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