Opening OT type file using Oviyam

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Nov 1, 2018, 4:12:48 AM11/1/18
to dcm4che
I have transferred a pdf file (containing patient images and text) by converting it into a Dicom image to dcm4chee. Using the dcm4chee-web3  under Patient -> Search: I am able to view the pdf file on clicking (Show DICOM Object image),  of the Instance row of the study. The format I could see is application/pdf.

How could I see this file using Oviyam2.x, currently it's not opening in any of Ovyiam 2.x, but Oviyam 9.x is showing the images present in the pdf but not the text content or the pdf file.
The type of the file is OT.

Thank you

Nov 5, 2018, 12:40:27 AM11/5/18
to dcm4che
Please send the DICOM file for testing, if possible.
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