forwarding studies to another dcm4chee-arc-light instance

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Vittorio Iacovella

Jun 27, 2018, 7:20:33 AM6/27/18
to dcm4che
Dear dcm4chee experts,

I am experiencing problems in forwarding studies acquired on a PRISMA MR Scanner (PRISMA) and sent to a dcm4chee-arc-light-5.12.0 (DCM-ONE).
I would want to automatically forward these studies to a dcm4chee-arc-light-5.13.0 (DCM-TWO).

I am not completely sure I understood the instructions on the wiki. Here is what I did [following these instructions: ]:

- I created and configured a Remote Application Entity for DCM-TWO. As a test, I successfully exported studies from DCM-ONE to DCM-TWO by using UI manual method.

- I create an exporter using Configuration > More Functions > Create Exporter
-- here I specify as  "device to connect the exporter description to" the local dcm4chee-arc
-- I indicate the following values:
--- as exporter ID a human readable name "myexporterid"
--- URI: dicom:STORESCP - I guess this is the utility included within dcm4chee-arc-light installation, NOT the one included in an external dcm4che utility set
--- Queue Name: Storage Commitment SCP Task
--- Export Priority: 4 - left as it was by default
--- Application Entity: DCM-ONE - That's the AE that by default is called DCM4CHEE. This should refer to DCM-ONE AE.
--- Instance availability: Online
--- Storage Commitment SCP AE Title: DCM-TWO - Here I indicated the AE Title of DCM-TWO PACS
After completing these steps, UI returns a couple messages confirming that the exporter was created and the UI was successfully reloaded

- I select the current device by picking Configuration > Devices > dcm4chee-arc
- From its Child Objects I browse "Network AE" dropdown menu and I pick DCM-ONE network AE (the one which is called DCM4CHEE by default)
- I pick "edit extension" from Network AE extension. From there I pick edit extension from Archive Network AE;
- I go to Child Objects and I add an Export Rule
-- Name: todcmtwo
-- Attribute Entity: "Series" - here I think I should indicate what I want to be esported: if entire patient or study and so on;
-- exporter ID: the one I created before (myexporterid)
-- I put a schedule (0-23) and leave the other options blank

- I sent a series from PRISMA to DCM-ONE. DCM-ONE received the images correctly.
- Here is the error I receive:

2018-06-27 12:59:41,756 INFO  [org.dcm4chee.arc.qmgt.impl.QueueManagerEJB] (EE-ManagedScheduledExecutorService-default-Thread-1) Schedule Task[id=ID:3161ca76-79f9-11e8-8f65-000c29c5e1aa] at Queue StgCmtSCP
2018-06-27 12:59:41,995 INFO  [org.dcm4chee.arc.qmgt.impl.QueueManagerEJB] (EE-ManagedScheduledExecutorService-default-Thread-1) Schedule Task[id=ID:318753d7-79f9-11e8-8f65-000c29c5e1aa] at Queue StgCmtSCP
2018-06-27 12:59:42,732 INFO  [org.dcm4chee.arc.qmgt.impl.QueueManagerEJB] (Thread-16 (ActiveMQ-client-global-threads)) Start processing Task[id=ID:318753d7-79f9-11e8-8f65-000c29c5e1aa] from Queue StgCmtSCP with Status: SCHEDULED
2018-06-27 12:59:42,745 INFO  [org.dcm4chee.arc.qmgt.impl.QueueManagerEJB] (Thread-15 (ActiveMQ-client-global-threads)) Start processing Task[id=ID:3161ca76-79f9-11e8-8f65-000c29c5e1aa] from Queue StgCmtSCP with Status: SCHEDULED
2018-06-27 12:59:42,842 WARN  [org.dcm4chee.arc.stgcmt.impl.StgCmtSCPMDB] (Thread-16 (ActiveMQ-client-global-threads)) Failed to process ActiveMQMessage[ID:318753d7-79f9-11e8-8f65-000c29c5e1aa]:PERSISTENT/ClientMessageImpl[messageID=2519, durable=true, address=jms.queue.StgCmtSCP,userID=318753d7-79f9-11e8-8f65-000c29c5e1aa,properties=TypedProperties[__AMQ_CID=31574322-79f9-11e8-8f65-000c29c5e1aa,ExporterID=storescp,StudyInstanceUID=]]: org.dcm4che3.conf.api.ConfigurationNotFoundException: Unknown AE: null

It seems that I am missing the definition of an application entity somewhere in the procedure, but I cannot understand where.
Any ideas or suggestions?

Thank you in any case,

Vittorio Iacovella, PhD
LNIF - Functional NeuroImaging Lab Technician
CIMeC - Center for Mind/Brain Sciences
The University of Trento - Italy

Jun 27, 2018, 9:36:47 AM6/27/18
to dcm4che

The Queue to be used for forwarding objects is Export1 not Storage Commitment SCP. Change this in your Exporter configuration and retry.

Vittorio Iacovella

Jun 28, 2018, 9:42:25 AM6/28/18
to dcm4che
Thanks for your answer. It helped a lot!

- I changed the URI from dicom:STORESCP to dicom:DCM-TWO (where DCM-TWO is the AET of DCM-TWO dicom station);
- I changed the Queue as you indicated: from Storage Commitment SCP to "Dicom Export Task"

and it worked.

btw: to delete old exporters I had to go to Apache Directory Studio LDAP manager - don't really know if this can be made from the UI as well.

Thanks again, and thanks to all the dcm4che group users for the interesting discussions.


Jun 29, 2018, 5:56:30 AM6/29/18
to dcm4che
Yes you can delete exporters by going do your device -> Device Extension -> Archive Device Extension -> Child Objects -> Exporter Descriptor. From the dropdown Delete the exporter and Save.

Auto Generated Inline Image 1

Vittorio Iacovella

Jun 29, 2018, 7:42:05 AM6/29/18
to dcm4che
Thanks! That is really helpful!

Oct 11, 2018, 5:06:30 PM10/11/18
to dcm4che

Thanks for the information. I did the same configuration but all the studies are being forwarded. We only need that the studies from AE TITLE "PRISMA" are sent. Do you know what is the parameter or configuration where i can parameterize that?

Thank you in advantance
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