Oviyam2 - gives me the message "Please select remote server!!!" but I have no config section for this.

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Victor S

Oct 19, 2019, 2:19:06 AM10/19/19
to dcm4che

I connected to Oviyam2 and when I press "Today CT" (like the image) I receive the error "Please select remote server!!!".
But I have no config section for this. 
In the install instructions from here writes: "5. The first time it's opened in a browser, a property sheet will slide down. Fill out the connection information.".
But after the first login, no property sheet appeared.

After installing Oviyam I found the following errors in the Tomcat logs:
        java.io.FileNotFoundException: /opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.27/lib/clibwrapper_jiio.jar (No such file or directory)
        java.io.FileNotFoundException: /opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.27/lib/dcm4che-imageio-rle-2.0.14.jar (No such file or directory)
These jars were not in the kit lib folder so:
- I renamed the jar dcm4che-imageio-2.0.27.jar to dcm4che-imageio-rle-2.0.14.jar. 
  I know is a bad idea but dcm4che-imageio-2.0.27.jar was not in the kit and dcm4che-imageio-rle-2.0.14.jar was.
 - I downloaded clibwrapper_jiio.jar from here

Could this be the problem for Oviyam2 not giving me the config sheet?

Thank you.

Meer Asgar Hussain Bahawdeen

Oct 19, 2019, 3:00:41 AM10/19/19
to dcm4che

Please follow the below steps to add PACS server details.
  1. Click on user icon (next to user name - admin).
  2. Select "Settings" option and new tab will be opened.
  3. In "Server" tab, click "Add" and enter the PACS server details.
  4. After saving the server details, go to previous tab and do searching.

Asgar Hussain.B.

Victor S

Oct 19, 2019, 3:40:33 AM10/19/19
to dcm4che
I don't have a server tab - as in the attached image.
no server.png

Meer Asgar Hussain Bahawdeen

Oct 19, 2019, 3:59:35 AM10/19/19
to dcm4che

Please make sure that the user should have "WebAdmin" rights.

Victor S

Oct 19, 2019, 4:37:37 AM10/19/19
to dcm4che
Thank you, I think I am far away from the subject. :)
How should I do this? I use keycloak, I connect with user admin that has the roles admin, auditlog and user.
Here I have no role named "WebAdmin" in keycloak.

Victor S

Oct 19, 2019, 4:57:51 AM10/19/19
to dcm4che
I think I understand now, admin user is from Tomcat not from Keycloak.
I configured a webadmin role and now the Server tab is visible.

gabriel perez caldo

Oct 19, 2019, 10:55:47 AM10/19/19
to dcm...@googlegroups.com
Hi Víctor, do you speack spanish?...

El sáb., 19 oct. 2019 5:57 a. m., Victor S <victor...@gmail.com> escribió:
I think I understand now, admin user is from Tomcat not from Keycloak.
I configured a webadmin role and now the Server tab is visible.

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gabriel perez caldo

Oct 19, 2019, 11:03:10 AM10/19/19
to dcm...@googlegroups.com
Víctor translate this. Ud necesita configurar el dcm4chee-web3 para poder recibir las imágenes dicom de su tomografo u otro equipo. Debe ingresar primeramente a http:\\x.x.x.x:8080\dcm4chee-web3 conectarse con usuario admin y buscar donde diga Aplication Entities y agregar nuevo Aet para que su servidor sepa que tiene que recibir imágenes desde allí. Igual método debe hacer en la consola del tomografo o de otros equipos de radiologia

Victor S

Oct 19, 2019, 1:26:19 PM10/19/19
to dcm4che
Thank you Gabriel, Oviyam is functional now.
But is one thing that I don't understand in what you wrote: what is dcm4chee-web3?

gabriel perez caldo

Oct 21, 2019, 12:43:11 PM10/21/19
to dcm...@googlegroups.com
Hi Víctor, that address is bykos I have dcm4chee 2.18 mysql with Oviyam and ioviyam. Its running online 24 hs for day almost 3 years.... Sorry my english is not good. 

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May 14, 2020, 10:36:51 AM5/14/20
to dcm4che
In case someone else has this issue:

I solved simply by logging into oviyam and typing /server.html at the end of the URL.

If you are using a dark skin then text may not be visible... so highlight it with the mouse.

Not elegant.. but it works!
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