Recover dcm4chee-web3 admin account default settings

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Aug 9, 2019, 12:17:02 AM8/9/19
to dcm4che

We are running dcm4chee 2.18.2 version and finely. Recently I tried to create a new user account and assign user roles to a new user. At that time I have accidentally revoked some main features has been given to the 'admin' account. I have the password, And I can log in. But I cannot delete a study now due to that issue.

How can I recover this?
Please advise me, At the same, I need to know step-wise guide to backup and restores currently stored images and the DB to a new version (dcm4chee 2.18.2 - same version) in another production server. If so how can i get it done?

I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon.
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