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<description>Only allows users with the role WebAdmin to access the Archive Web Administration pages</description>
<!-- <auth-constraint>
</auth-constraint> -->
<url-pattern>./index.html</url-pattern> to
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HIS -Oviyam integration manual
1. Install Oviyam2 for normal login
a. Install original ‘oviyam2.war’ file on /opt/dcm4chee/server/default/deploy/ (here after referred OviyamPATH)
b. Restart the DCM4CHEE
c. Login oviyam2
d. Configure PACS server with correct server IP and remove all other entries.
i. Logical name of the pacs would ‘UDPACS’
e. Test smooth running through inquiring the patient details
f. Userid & Password : admin
2. Place another oviyam.war for HIS integration.
a. Copy above configured ‘OviyamPATH/oviyam2.war’ and place as ‘oviyam3.war’.
b. Extract ‘oviyam3.war’
c. Rename the index.html to index2.html
d. Edit .oviyam3/web.inf/web.xml
<description>Only allows users with the role WebAdmin to access the Archive Web Administration pages</description>
For this:
<description>Only allows users with the role WebAdmin to access the Archive Web Administration pages</description>
e. Come to the root of ‘oviyam3’ folder and select all
f. Compress >> oviyam3.war
g. Place newly made ‘oviyam3.war’ also in OviyamPATH
3. restart dcm4chee
4. Direct access:
a. <OviyamIP>:8080/oviyam2/
5. HIS Access:
a. http://<oviyamIP>:8080/oviyam3/viewer.html?patientID=<?php echo $gen_mrn;?>&serverName=UDPACS
i. ‘serverName’ – ‘N’ capital
ii. Use logical name of OviyamPACS which has created “UDPACS”
iii. Test with known patient details who has been taken xray images.
6. Done
7. Enjoy