XDS Exporter

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Sep 11, 2018, 10:04:20 AM9/11/18
to dcm4che


I have an XDS repository that I would like to use with Dcm4chee. 
I followed the instructions on XDS Exporter (I just didn't use the dcmProperties) but I'm not getting anything in my XDS repository when I add new DICOM objects to Dcm4chee.
Even in the logs nothing seems to happen regarding the XDS. But I do get some metadatas in my wildfly/standalone/data/series-metadata that I don't think I was getting before. 

Maybe I forgot to do something ? 

Thanks for help !


Sep 13, 2018, 10:47:53 AM9/13/18
to dcm4che

Have you configured any export rule (to trigger automatically) or have you tried exporting manually using the archive UI?


Sep 14, 2018, 7:45:04 AM9/14/18
to dcm...@googlegroups.com

So I tried to export a file manually but I am getting this error : 


 (The ear deployed is one I downloaded on SourceForge and it's version 5.12.0) 

Gunter Zeilinger

Sep 14, 2018, 8:05:29 AM9/14/18
to dcm...@googlegroups.com
Did the URI of your "XDS-test" exporter really starts with xds-i:http(s)://host.... ?!

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Sep 14, 2018, 9:59:56 AM9/14/18
to dcm4che
Indeed, I forgot to place xds-i before the adress... Thank you for noticing that !

It helped but I am still getting an error when trying to export. The error is :
2018-09-14 15:49:48,147 WARN  [org.dcm4chee.arc.export.mgt.impl.ExportManagerMDB] (Thread-5 (ActiveMQ-client-global-threads)) Failed to process ActiveMQMessage[ID:0b4e1f4e-b825-11e8-b8fe-9829a67c3824]:PERSISTENT/ClientMessageImpl[messageID=281320368615, durable=true, address=jms.queue.Export3,userID=0b4e1f4e-b825-11e8-b8fe-9829a67c3824,properties=TypedProperties[AETitle=DCM4CHEE,RequesterUserID=,__AMQ_CID=c28be650-b821-11e8-b8fe-9829a67c3824,StudyInstanceUID=,ExporterID=XDS_Exporter,RequestURI=/dcm4chee-arc/aets/DCM4CHEE/rs/studies/,RequesterHostName=]]: javax.xml.ws.soap.SOAPFaultException: Invalid Content Type Field in the Mime Message
at org.apache.cxf.jaxws.JaxWsClientProxy.invoke(JaxWsClientProxy.java:161)
at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy202.documentRepositoryProvideAndRegisterDocumentSetB(Unknown Source)
at org.dcm4chee.arc.export.xdsi.XDSiExporter.export(XDSiExporter.java:205)
at org.dcm4chee.arc.export.mgt.impl.ExportManagerMDB.onMessage(ExportManagerMDB.java:113)

So now I have a stupid question (i'm truly sorry). 
What kind of files do I have to send to my XDS repository ? I am getting this error with dicom files containing images and KOS (that I generated with the tool mkkos in dcm4che).
I did read some stuff on XDS-i.b IHE profile but didn't foud this information very clear...  


Sep 14, 2018, 11:54:50 AM9/14/18
to dcm...@googlegroups.com
So I tried with the XDS tool kit you use to test XDS profile (it runs fine). And I am getting this error : 
2018-09-14 17:45:43,280 WARN  [org.dcm4chee.arc.export.mgt.impl.ExportManagerMDB] (Thread-1 (ActiveMQ-client-global-threads)) Failed to process ActiveMQMessage[ID:3caf2a2b-b835-11e8-a61b-c60b20524153]:PERSISTENT/ClientMessageImpl[messageID=285615335889, durable=true, address=jms.queue.Export3,userID=3caf2a2b-b835-11e8-a61b-c60b20524153,properties=TypedProperties[AETitle=DCM4CHEE,RequesterUserID=,__AMQ_CID=421bfa68-b834-11e8-a61b-c60b20524153,StudyInstanceUID=,SeriesInstanceUID=2.25.203187571311404167549082914729717494035,ExporterID=XDS-I,RequestURI=/dcm4chee-arc/aets/DCM4CHEE/rs/studies/,RequesterHostName=]]: java.lang.Exception: Provide and Register Study[] @ http://localhost:7998/xdstools5/sim/default__rr/rep/prb failed - Slot sourcePatientInfo: Slot sourcePatientInfo : Slot sourcePatientInfo#PID-3 must be valid Patient ID: Expected &OID&ISO after ^^^ in CX data type
at org.dcm4chee.arc.export.xdsi.XDSiExporter.export(XDSiExporter.java:218)
at org.dcm4chee.arc.export.mgt.impl.ExportManagerMDB.onMessage(ExportManagerMDB.java:113)

I tried with different files but still getting the exact same error. 

Thanks a lot for your help !  

Gunter Zeilinger

Sep 14, 2018, 12:24:51 PM9/14/18
to dcm...@googlegroups.com
XDS requires that Patient IDs are qualified by an UID for the assigning Authority - corresponding DICOM attribute: Universal Entity ID (0040,0032) in an item of the Issuer of Patient ID Qualifiers Sequence (0010,0024).
You may supplement a constant value by Exporter property: AssigningAuthority.patientId=<UID>

I tried with different files by still getting the exact same error. 

Thanks a lot for your help !  

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