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Technical Recruiter looking for DCM4CHE individuals

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Eric Carroll

Apr 15, 2019, 8:48:27 PM4/15/19
to dcm4che
Hey All,

Sorry to disturb your group! I don't mean to bother anyone or post if I'm not allowed too. Truth is - y'all are hard to track down. Perhaps because it's an open source tool/development language (still trying to wrap my head around it) it's not listed on many resumes. Figured I'd come to the (Open) Source!

My name is Eric Carroll - I am an Account Manager with TEKsystems in Raleigh, NC. I am supporting the North Carolina State University College of Veterinary Medicine. They're looking for a DCM4CHE developer to assist them with building out features for their DCM4CHE environment. Currently it's on Linux based infrastructure, but they're goal is to move it to AWS. This is a role that will allow an individual to work 100% remote, and since it's all production focused you can work whatever hours you choose. It is only slated as a 3-6 month contract, however.

I am working on this exclusively, so feel free to reply on here or email me directly at or call at 919.760.1905. If you don't reach me, feel free to reach out to my recruiting partner Chip Carpenter at or at 502.499.4718. I'd love to fill you in on the details if you are interested.

Thanks for reading!!



Apr 30, 2019, 12:45:44 PM4/30/19
to dcm4che
J4Care (Gunter's group) has professional services that can help you with this need

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