Weasis Dicomizer

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Arash Shahzamani

Oct 24, 2017, 2:47:27 AM10/24/17
to dcm4che
Hi, I have an image on the file system. How can I dicomize it and display it in weasis explorer?

Nicolas Roduit

Oct 24, 2017, 7:38:49 AM10/24/17
to dcm...@googlegroups.com
If the goal is to dicomize images, you can download weasis-portable.zip and configure it to launch the dicomizer:
  1. Rename weasis-portable-2.6.0/weasis/conf/ext-dicomizer.properties into ext-config.properties
  2. Edit the renamed file and adapt to your need, see also https://dcm4che.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/WEA/pages/3670033/Weasis+Preferences
  3. Launch weasis (I need to write a small user guide)
  • On the left panel open an image folder
  • Import selected images 
  • Edit images optionally
  • Finally publish into a DICOM archive

To associate a patient to the current images, there are different ways:
  1. without configuration you can edit any field (red ones are mandatory)
  2. use a DICOM worklist, connect by editing the ext-dicomizer.properties and modify preferences starting by weasis.acquire.wkl
  3. create xml file and give it to weasis by acquire:patient command
It is also possible to configure the web distribution. 


Jan 16, 2021, 2:15:59 AM1/16/21
to dcm4che
Respected Mr.  Nicolas Roduit 
Everything is working fine. Now i need to understand how we can modify setting of DICOM worklist  i am unable to find setting.
for example: How can i set to fetch studies from MWL for today or any specific Accession number or Patient ID

Nicolas Roduit

Jan 17, 2021, 2:44:40 AM1/17/21
to dcm4che
You can either modify the properties from the configuration file or inject parameters from a web context like described here. e.g.
$weasis:config pro="felix.extended.config.properties file:conf/ext-dicomizer.properties" pro="gosh.port 17181" pro="weasis.acquire.wkl.host localhost" pro="weasis.acquire.wkl.aet DCM4CHEE" pro="weasis.acquire.wkl.port 11112" pro="weasis.acquire.wkl.station.aet WEASIS-MWL"


Jan 18, 2021, 1:50:36 AM1/18/21
to dcm4che
Thanks for your reply.
I have already configured like you told but my question was how can we change the fetching settings for example how to set date for today?

Nicolas Roduit

Jan 18, 2021, 7:39:31 AM1/18/21
to dcm4che
Currently, we use the command "acquire:patient" directly from our EMR by getting the contextual patient information in XML file. The MWL method is limited and it would be necessary to add options to filter by date, station name...

If it is possible for you to submit modifications with a Pull Request, I invite you to do so because unfortunately I can't handle all requests.  


Jan 20, 2021, 12:54:03 AM1/20/21
to dcm4che
Thanks for Reply.
While trying to fetch data through XML by using following command

viewer-win32.exe $acquire:patient -x "test.xml"

I am facing following error. Can you provide me the sample contextual patient information XML file !

19.01.2021 14:29:29.726 *ERROR* [AWT-EventQueue-0] org.weasis.acquire.explorer.AcquireManager: Parsing Patient Context XML org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; lineNumber: 1; columnNumber: 1; Content is not allowed in prolog.
at com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.parsers.DOMParser.parse(Unknown Source)
at com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.jaxp.DocumentBuilderImpl.parse(Unknown Source)
at javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder.parse(Unknown Source)

Nicolas Roduit

Jan 21, 2021, 12:40:55 PM1/21/21
to dcm4che
The option -x pass the content of XML otherwise use -u for an URL (for a file => file:///C:/document/test.xml). See options.

Nicolas Roduit

Jan 21, 2021, 12:53:15 PM1/21/21
to dcm4che
Here is an example of xml file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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