Worklist query from modality to dcm4chee wl server

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Jose Antonio Molins

May 7, 2020, 5:15:11 PM5/7/20
to dcm4che

I'm getting an error when querying a dcm4chee worklist from a Philips HD11 Ultrasound.

The error that I can see in the US is the following:

   Thread Name:FSPPerformer  [10130, 16] 
S 07-May-2020 13:48:22.156 VERIFY(C-ECHO): SUCCESSFUL
S                                  requester AE: RXD_ECO1
S                                  acceptor AE: PC4301501
S                                  acceptor host:
S                                  acceptor port: 11112
S                            END VERIFY(C-ECHO): Ending Verify C-ECHO Request 
S                                  Thread Name:DicomMipMercCert  [0, 0] 
S 07-May-2020 13:48:22.187 START MWL: Submitting MWL Query to MCS
S                                  requester AE: RXD_ECO1
S                                  acceptor AE: PC4301501
S                                  acceptor host:
S                                  network status: connected
S                                  acceptor port: 11112
S                            MWL Query Parameters:
S                                  modality:US
S                                  scheduled procedure step start date:TODAY 
S                                  Thread Name:DicomMipMercCert  [0, 0] 
S 07-May-2020 13:48:22.515 impl.dicom.access.STATE_DETAILS: 
***** dump of associate descriptor (Requestor) *****
    state:    Associated (state 1, subState 0)
    calledAETitle:                'PC4301501'
    callingAETitle:               'RXD_ECO1'
    peerTCPIPAddressURL:          ''
    peerHostName:                 ''
    No TLS secure sockets configured
    acceptIllegalSCUSCPRoles:     false
    logAllIllegalDICOM:           true
    replyTimeout:                 300
    Dicom ARTIM:                  30
    Association Timeout SCU:      0
    Association Timeout SCP:      0
    maxPduLength:                 16000
    peerMaxPduLength:             16352
    maxOperationsInvoked:         1
    maxOperationsPerformed:       1
    applicationContextName:       '1.2.840.10008.'
    implementationClassUID:       '1.2.840.113543.'
    peerImplementationClassUID:   ''
    implementationVersionName:    'HD11_V2.0.8'
    ===== presentationContexts =====
       1  AbstractSyntax 1.2.840.10008.  (MWL Info Model Find SOP Class)
          TransferSyntax 1.2.840.10008.1.2.1  (Explicit VR Little Endian)
          exp-RQ: false exp-AC: false hasSCPRole: false hasSCURole: true
          acceptanceState  0: accepted
S                                  Thread Name:main  [10130, 16] 
E                                                                  07-May-2020 13:48:22.640 main [10140, 0] FATAL ERROR: impl.dicom.dai.dataobject.UNKNOWN: DICOMUnicodeCodec: cannot decode byte 0x8d with ISO_IR 100 when decoding 
                                                                     Definition: DICOM_REQUESTED_PROCEDURE_DESCRIPTION (0x0032,0x1060) VR_LO IPMSString
                                                                     Actual: (0x0032,0x1060) VR_LO IPMSString 
E                                                                  07-May-2020 13:48:22.640 main [10200, 4] USER RECOVERABLE ERROR: DICOMFindWorklistSCU: Received from: [PC4301501] to [RXD_ECO1]: Error occured during getNextIntermediateQueryResult().
                                                                 Exception: DICOMUnicodeCodec: cannot decode byte 0x8d with ISO_IR 100 when decoding 
                                                                     Definition: DICOM_REQUESTED_PROCEDURE_DESCRIPTION (0x0032,0x1060) VR_LO IPMSString
                                                                     Actual: (0x0032,0x1060) VR_LO IPMSString 
E                                                                  07-May-2020 13:48:22.671 main [40100, 0] NON RECOVERABLE ERROR: wrapper.mscom.framework.UNKNOWN: Unexpected error in COM wrapper 
S 07-May-2020 13:48:22.687 END MWL: MWL Query Failed
S                            MWL: MWL Server is not Responding. Server may be down or may not be configured correctly 
S                                  Thread Name:DicomMipMercCert  [0, 0] 

I'm quite lost in this error...

Gunter Zeilinger

May 8, 2020, 3:33:23 AM5/8/20
0x8d is not a valid code of ISO 8859-1 West European languages (Latin-1).

How did you populate the worklist? Via HL7 Order Message? What's the character set used by the HL7 messages?

How does the response look using dcm4che's findscu utility? e.g.:
$ findscu -M MWL -cPC43...@ $DCM4CHE_HOME/etc/findscu/mwl.xml

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Jose Antonio Molins

May 8, 2020, 6:58:31 AM5/8/20
to dcm4che
worklist entries come from an HL7 ORM (I don't know the character set used by the HL7, I don't have that info).

the response of the findscu is attached.

I tried to filter the query but I couldn't.

findscu -M MWL -m 00080060=US -m 00400001=RXD_ECO1 -c PC43...@ -- C:/dcm/etc/findscu/mwl.xml > test2.txt

El viernes, 8 de mayo de 2020, 9:33:23 (UTC+2), gunterze escribió:
0x8d is not a valid code of ISO 8859-1 West European languages (Latin-1).

How did you populate the worklist? Via HL7 Order Message? What's the character set used by the HL7 messages?

How does the response look using dcm4che's findscu utility? e.g.:
$ findscu -M MWL -cPC43...@ $DCM4CHE_HOME/etc/findscu/mwl.xml

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Gunter Zeilinger

May 8, 2020, 7:46:57 AM5/8/20
There are non-ASCII characters in Requested Procedure Description and Code Values and Meaning, as in Scheduled Procedure Step Descriptions and in Scheduled Protocol Code Values and Meaning:
Screenshot from 2020-05-08 13-36-10.png

Guess the error happens on decoding the received HL7 ORM messages, caused by a wrong configuration of , mismatching the actual charset of the received HL7 message.

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