I cant download images from oviyam, Help me please

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Washington Olmos

Dec 9, 2019, 8:44:21 AM12/9/19
to dcm4che
I am trying to enter a study directly through a link

localhost: 9083 / oviyam2 / viewer.html? patientID = 316

I can access correctly and see the images, but I cannot use the menu tools. for example to take measurements or simply the download button.

If I verify in the cosola I sell the following:

Synchronous XMLHttpRequest in the main thread is obsolete for its detrimental effects on the end-user experience. For more help http://xhr.spec.whatwg.org/ jquery-latest.js: 8068: 6
XML parsing error: malformed Location: http: // localhost: 9083 / oviyam2 / StudyInfo.do Line 1, column 1:
XML parsing error: syntax error Location: http: // localhost: 9083 / oviyam2 / Instance.do Line 1, column 1: Instance.do:1:1
Synchronous XMLHttpRequest in the main thread is obsolete for its detrimental effects on the end-user experience. For more help http://xhr.spec.whatwg.org/ jquery-latest.js: 8068: 6
XML parsing error: syntax error Location: http: // localhost: 9083 / oviyam2 / Instance.do Line 1, column 1:
XML parsing error: syntax error Location: http: // localhost: 9083 / oviyam2 / UserConfig.do? Settings = prefetch & todo = READ Line 1, column 1: UserConfig.do:1:1
XML parsing error: malformed Location: http: // localhost: 9083 / oviyam2 / overlayText.do? Action = READ Line 1, column 1:
XML parsing error: syntax error Location: http: // localhost: 9083 / oviyam2 / Instance.do Line 1, column 1:
XML parsing error: malformed Location: http: // localhost: 9083 / oviyam2 / overlayText.do? Action = READ Line 1, column 1:
XML parsing error: syntax error Location: http: // localhost: 9083 / oviyam2 / Instance.do Line 1, column 1: Instance.do:1:1
XML parsing error: malformed Location: http: // localhost: 9083 / oviyam2 / overlayText.do? Action = READ Line 1, column 1: overlayText.do:1:1
XML parsing error: syntax error Location: http: // localhost: 9083 / oviyam2 / Instance.do Line 1, column 1:
XML parsing error: malformed Location: http: // localhost: 9083 / oviyam2 / overlayText.do? Action = READ Line 1, column 1:

I tried to add the series and the instance to the url, but I find the same error. Could someone help me with this?

Washington Olmos

Dec 12, 2019, 8:45:10 AM12/12/19
to dcm4che
seriously? nobody?
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