Can't retrieve an individual image from a ClearCanvas server using dcmqr, what am I doing wrong?

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Gordon McAllister

May 13, 2014, 6:25:01 AM5/13/14
I am trying to retrieve (c-move) a single image from a series using dcmqr, with ClearCanvas ImageServer (compiled from source) as the PACS, and can't figure out why nothing is being returned. Server and client are both on the same host machine (Windows).

I can successfully retrieve a series (server AET is CC):

dcmqr -L DCMRCV@<ip>:104 CC@<ip>:10400 -q 0020000E= -S -cmove DCMRCV -cstore MR:LE -cstoredest .

However attempting to retrieve a single image with:

dcmqr -L DCMRCV@<ip>:104 CC@<ip>:10400 -q 00080018= -I -cmove DCMRCV -cstore MR:LE -cstoredest .

does not return any images. The c-find part succeeds ('Received 1 matching entries in 0.272 s'), but the c-move fails to retrieve anything (highlighted bold red):

11:02:38,597 INFO   - Send Retrieve Request using 1.2.840.10008. Root Query/Retrieve Information Model - MOVE:
(0008,0018) UI #62 [] SOP Instance UID
(0020,000D) UI #42 [2.16.840.1.113669.632.20.1211.10000357775] Study Instance UID
(0020,000E) UI #62 [] Series Instance U
11:02:38,599 INFO   - CC(1) << 10:C-MOVE-RQ[pcid=5, aet=DCMRCV/?, prior=0

=1.2.840.10008. Root Query/Retrieve Information Model - MOVE
=1.2.840.10008.1.2/Implicit VR Little Endian]
11:02:38,602 INFO   - CC(1) >> 10:C-MOVE-RSP[pcid=5, remaining=null, completed=null, failed=null, warning=null, status=a900H
=Unexpected Study Root Move Query/Retrieve level:
=1.2.840.10008. Root Query/Retrieve Information Model - MOVE]
11:02:38,604 INFO   - Retrieved 0 objects (warning: 0, failed: 0) in 0.008s
11:02:38,604 INFO   - CC(1) << A-RELEASE-RQ
11:02:38,606 INFO   - CC(1) >> A-RELEASE-RP
11:02:38,606 INFO   - Released connection to CC@localhost:10400
11:02:38,607 INFO   - CC(1): close Socket[addr=localhost/,port=10400,localport=53305]
11:02:38,607 INFO   - Stop listening on localhost/

The ClearCanvas server complains that the Q/R level is not valid (error highlighted in bold red):

Application Context:     ==DICOM Application Context Name
Implementation Class:
Implementation Version:  dcm4che-2.0
Local Maximum PDU Size:  116794
Remote Maximum PDU Size: 16384
Called AE Title:         CC
Calling AE Title:        DCMRCV
Presentation Contexts:   10
Presentation Context 1 [Accept] Abstract: Study Root Query/Retrieve Information Model - FIND    Transfer: Implicit VR Little Endian: Default Transfer Syntax for DICOM
Presentation Context 3 [Accept] Abstract: Patient Root Query/Retrieve Information Model - FIND  Transfer: Implicit VR Little Endian: Default Transfer Syntax for DICOM
Presentation Context 5 [Accept] Abstract: Study Root Query/Retrieve Information Model - MOVE    Transfer: Implicit VR Little Endian: Default Transfer Syntax for DICOM
Presentation Context 7 [Accept] Abstract: Patient Root Query/Retrieve Information Model - MOVE  Transfer: Implicit VR Little Endian: Default Transfer Syntax for DICOM
Presentation Context 9 [Accept] Abstract: MR Image Storage      Transfer: Implicit VR Little Endian: Default Transfer Syntax for DICOM
Presentation Context 11 [Accept] Abstract: Study Root Query/Retrieve Information Model - FIND   Transfer: Explicit VR Little Endian
Presentation Context 13 [Accept] Abstract: Patient Root Query/Retrieve Information Model - FIND Transfer: Explicit VR Little Endian
Presentation Context 15 [Accept] Abstract: Study Root Query/Retrieve Information Model - MOVE   Transfer: Explicit VR Little Endian
Presentation Context 17 [Accept] Abstract: Patient Root Query/Retrieve Information Model - MOVE Transfer: Explicit VR Little Endian
Presentation Context 19 [Accept] Abstract: MR Image Storage     Transfer: Explicit VR Little Endian

2014-05-13 11:02:38,601 [DicomServer: Read [42]] ERROR - Unexpected Study Root Move Query/Retrieve level:
2014-05-13 11:02:38,605 [DicomServer: Read [42]] INFO  - Received association release request from DCMRCV to CC.
2014-05-13 11:02:38,606 [DicomServer: Read [42]] INFO  - <Statistics Type="TransmissionStatistics" Context="Transmission" Description="DICOM association from DCMRCV [] to CC []" MessageRate="67.18 msg/s" Speed="11.55 KB/s" IncomingBytes="2.65 KB" OutgoingBytes="3.27 KB" IncomingMessages="10 msg" OutgoingMessages="19 msg" />

I am new to these tools, so may be making some basic oversight and Googling/searching the forums hasn't turned up any similar situations; any help would be much appreciated!


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