dcm4chee-web3: StudyPermissions and WebViewer

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Feb 27, 2017, 10:57:48 AM2/27/17
to dcm4che
Hi there,

as far as I can see, it's up to dcm4chee-web3 to ensure the restriction provided by study permissions, since the username is not passed to WebViewer to enable User Identity Negotiation.

When useStudyPermission=true in WebConfig, then dcm4chee-web3 can restrict access to studies and thus the WebViewer-Icon is not displayed for these studies. But if user has permission to see at least one study of a patient -> WebViewer-Icon on patient level is displayed -> Opening with WebViewer (e.g. Weasis) opens all studies of the patient. This way the study permissions are disregarded.

Is this a bug or did I miss anything?

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