LetsEncrypt HTTPS for dcm4chee-arc

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Matt Kramers

Jan 22, 2020, 2:24:08 PM1/22/20
to dcm...@googlegroups.com
Hello - I have tried a number of different methods for getting HTTPS to work for my dcm4chee-arc instance and am having no luck whatsoever. I'd prefer to utilise LetsEncrypt if possible, however I am also open to a paid provider if necessary. I should also specify that I am wanting HTTPS strictly for web-access (i.e. for the web client on port 8443, etc).

I am running a mostly vanilla installation of v5.19 using docker as per https://github.com/dcm4che/dcm4chee-arc-light/wiki/Run-secured-archive-services-on-a-single-host

NOTE: I have very minimal knowledge of certificates, https, ssl/tls etc. outside of simply running certbot against nginx

Here is what I've tried:

I can get most of the way, however when running 'obtain certificate' I get the following error:

"outcome" => "failed",
"failure-description" => "WFLYELY01049: Unable to respond to challenge from certificate authority: /opt/wildfly/.well-known/acme-challenge/qDMvs298SrDpX-AUG-GHrkkQdpdzqUw5vnn11qn3oTY (Permission denied)",
"rolled-back" => true
This may be out-of-date, since not all tags are present in dcm4chee-arc.xml (i.e. server-identities in 1)

This looks outdated, I cannot seem to find dcm4chee.archive:service=DcmServer in LDAP so I stopped

4. I created a reverse proxy using nginx+certbot which pointed to a different 5.20 installation's HTTP address which worked, however I cannot access the dcm4chee-arc/ui http site on 5.19 (It just says 'Invalid uri_redirect/Forbidden' accessing it - I've verified my keycloak settings thoroughly) 

If someone can help me through this that would be greatly appreciated!

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