Weasis java alert: "This application will run with unrestricted access"

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Apr 25, 2017, 3:38:41 AM4/25/17
to dcm4che
How do I avoid a Java alert each time I run weasis?

Get this every time. Even if I select "Do not show again":
This application will run with unrestricted access which may put your computer and personal information at risk. Run this application only if you trust the location and publisher.

Paolo Marcheschi

Apr 26, 2017, 6:52:43 AM4/26/17
to dcm4che
I tried in every manner to get rid of this message, but unless you sign the jar with a valid certificate, there is no way, afaik.


Nicolas Roduit

Apr 26, 2017, 11:45:47 AM4/26/17
to dcm...@googlegroups.com
I've filled out a bug but the guy from Oracle consider as a "security" feature. In my opinion they're killing the dynamic behavior of Java Webstart (JWS). That means if the jnlp is not strictly the same from the previous one then the popup appears.

Hopefully there are workarounds. This popup do not appears when:
  1. Executing the URL from a console: javaws http://launcher-weasis.rhcloud.com/weasis-pacs-connector/viewer?studyUID=1.2.840.113619.2.176.2025.1499492.7409.1172755464.916&mhs=1024m
  2. From a browser with Java Plugin => this solution as no future because Java Plugin has been removed in Java 9 and are deprecated in almost all the browsers
  3. With a basic jnlp system handler => this is the new solution, see  Installing the Java Web Start Protocol Handler
    You can try jnlp protocol with the link "Non square pixels" at https://dcm4che.atlassian.net/wiki/display/WEA/DICOM+Samples
Advantages of solution 3:
  • Works at the system level (association of a MIME type with an application: jnlp => JWS)
  • Works with most of browsers
  • Browsers do not download jnlp anymore, JWS reads directly the URL (=> do not show the popup "This application will run with unrestricted access")
  • Works with other applications (like a mail client)
  • No change is required at the client side or server side, only replacing the scheme of the jnlp URL (http => jnlp, https => jnlps)
  • Works out of box on Windows from JRE 8_111 (on Mac OS should work from JRE 8_152 and Java 9)
  • An implementation has be done on IcedTea-WEB (alternative of the Oracle JWS), should be available in the next release.
Disadvantages of solution 3:
  • Some browsers like Chrome show a message the first time you execute an external application (but it works if you check "do not show again")
  • On Linux a configuration is required


Apr 26, 2017, 12:24:51 PM4/26/17
to dcm4che
How do I setup solution 3 on a dcm4chee server?

Nicolas Roduit

May 1, 2017, 1:46:42 PM5/1/17
to dcm4che
see this post and this page
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