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Eduard Grebenyukov

Dec 15, 2013, 1:55:28 PM12/15/13
to dcm...@googlegroups.com


Please help me to solve some problem with dcmmover. I try to copy study from one DICOM server to another with anonymization.
My command line:

dcmmover.bat AN1 KMT@server1:104 TEST2@server2:104 -x PatientName=ANONYMOUS^^Patient

KMT@server1:104 - source server
TEST2@server2:104 - destination server - study instance UID

AN1 - I don't understand exactly, what is this parameter for? As I can see in run log, some service temporarily run AN1@localhost:104 during dcmmover execution.
This parameter does not shown in example text: "Example: dcmmover IMPX_QR_SCP@localhost:104 DCM4CHEE_STORE_SCP@localhost:306 -stgcmt -x PatientName=JONES^JOHN PatientId=9001", but without it dcmmover.bat shows usage text, because this parameter directly passed to org.dcm4che2.tool.dcmmover.DcmMoverCli class (usage: org.dcm4che2.tool.dcmmover.DcmMoverCli <ae> <query/retreive scp ae[@host[:port]]> <store scp ae[@host[:port]]> <study uid of study to move> [Options]).

As I understand the moving process, program starts DICOM listener on with defined AETitle (AN1 in my case), then issued C-MOVE request to move study to the local machine (A...@ Then it makes some transformations, and then sends transformed study to store (TEST2@server2:104 in my case).

I sure that my servers works fine because command "dcmqr KMT@server1:104 -qAccessionNumber=151300 -cmove TEST2" works fine.

run log:

C:\Apps\dcm4che-2.0.28\bin>dcmmover.bat AN1 TEST1@server1:104 TEST2@server2:104 -x PatientName=ANONYMOUS^Patient

AE AN1 starting move with transformation of study [] from AE KMT to AE TEST220:46:32,399 INFO   - moveStudy: Beginning study move process - studyUid=
xformObjectData is NOT null. Study will be transformed during move. Transform object data:
Data to add/modify:
(0010,0010) PN #16 [ANONYMOUSPatient] PatientТs Name
Data to remove:

0 [main] INFO org.dcm4che2.tool.dcmmover.DcmMover  - moveStudy: Beginning study move process - studyUid=
xformObjectData is NOT null. Study will be transformed during move. Transform object data:
Data to add/modify:
(0010,0010) PN #16 [ANONYMOUSPatient] PatientТs Name
Data to remove:

20:46:32,436 INFO   - start: Started Server listening on port 104
37 [main] INFO org.dcm4che2.tool.dcmmover.DcmRcv  - start: Started Server listening on port 104
20:46:32,444 INFO   - qrStudy: Moving study with uid
45 [main] INFO org.dcm4che2.tool.dcmmover.DcmQR  - qrStudy: Moving study with uid
20:46:32,445 INFO   - Start listening on /
46 [DCMRCV-1] INFO org.dcm4che2.net.NetworkConnection  - Start listening on /
20:46:32,537 INFO   - Association(1) initiated Socket[addr=/server1,port=104,localport=61192]
138 [main] INFO org.dcm4che2.net.Association  - Association(1) initiated Socket[addr=/server1,port=104,localport=61192]
20:46:32,541 INFO   - KMT(1): A-ASSOCIATE-RQ KMT << AN1_QR_SCU
142 [main] INFO org.dcm4che2.net.PDUEncoder  - KMT(1): A-ASSOCIATE-RQ KMT << AN1_QR_SCU
20:46:32,567 INFO   - KMT(1): A-ASSOCIATE-AC AN1_QR_SCU >> KMT
168 [DCMQR-3] INFO org.dcm4che2.net.Association  - KMT(1): A-ASSOCIATE-AC AN1_QR_SCU >> KMT
20:46:32,572 INFO   - qrStudy: Connected to KMT in 0.114s
173 [main] INFO org.dcm4che2.tool.dcmmover.DcmQR  - qrStudy: Connected to KMT in 0.114s
20:46:32,591 INFO   - KMT(1) << 1:C-FIND-RQ[pcid=1, prior=0
        cuid=1.2.840.10008. Root Query/Retrieve Information Model - FIND
        ts=1.2.840.10008.1.2/Implicit VR Little Endian]
192 [main] INFO org.dcm4che2.net.PDUEncoder  - KMT(1) << 1:C-FIND-RQ[pcid=1, prior=0
        cuid=1.2.840.10008. Root Query/Retrieve Information Model - FIND
        ts=1.2.840.10008.1.2/Implicit VR Little Endian]
20:46:32,629 INFO   - KMT(1) >> 1:C-FIND-RSP[pcid=1, status=ff00H
        cuid=1.2.840.10008. Root Query/Retrieve Information Model - FIND
        ts=1.2.840.10008.1.2/Implicit VR Little Endian]
230 [DCMQR-3] INFO org.dcm4che2.net.PDUDecoder  - KMT(1) >> 1:C-FIND-RSP[pcid=1, status=ff00H
        cuid=1.2.840.10008. Root Query/Retrieve Information Model - FIND
        ts=1.2.840.10008.1.2/Implicit VR Little Endian]
20:46:32,635 INFO   - KMT(1) >> 1:C-FIND-RSP[pcid=1, status=0H
        cuid=1.2.840.10008. Root Query/Retrieve Information Model - FIND]
236 [DCMQR-3] INFO org.dcm4che2.net.PDUDecoder  - KMT(1) >> 1:C-FIND-RSP[pcid=1, status=0H
        cuid=1.2.840.10008. Root Query/Retrieve Information Model - FIND]
20:46:32,641 INFO   - qrStudy: Found requested study in 0.07s
242 [main] INFO org.dcm4che2.tool.dcmmover.DcmQR  - qrStudy: Found requested study in 0.07s
20:46:32,651 INFO   - retrieve: Send Retrieve Request using class '1.2.840.10008. Root Query/Retrieve Information Model - MOVE' and transfer syntax '1.2.840.10008.1.2/Implicit VR Little Endian':
(0008,0052) CS #6 [STUDY] Query/Retrieve Level
(0020,000D) UI #54 [] Study Instance UID

252 [main] INFO org.dcm4che2.tool.dcmmover.DcmQR  - retrieve: Send Retrieve Request using class '1.2.840.10008. Root Query/Retrieve Information Model - MOVE' and transfer syntax '1.2.840.10008.1.2/Implicit VR Little Endian':
(0008,0052) CS #6 [STUDY] Query/Retrieve Level
(0020,000D) UI #54 [] Study Instance UID

20:46:32,657 INFO   - KMT(1) << 2:C-MOVE-RQ[pcid=7, aet=AN1/?, prior=0
        cuid=1.2.840.10008. Root Query/Retrieve Information Model - MOVE
        ts=1.2.840.10008.1.2/Implicit VR Little Endian]
258 [main] INFO org.dcm4che2.net.PDUEncoder  - KMT(1) << 2:C-MOVE-RQ[pcid=7, aet=AN1/?, prior=0
        cuid=1.2.840.10008. Root Query/Retrieve Information Model - MOVE
        ts=1.2.840.10008.1.2/Implicit VR Little Endian]
20:46:32,671 INFO   - KMT(1) >> 2:C-MOVE-RSP[pcid=7, remaining=null, completed=null, failed=null, warning=null, status=a801H
        error=Unknown move destination:AN1
        cuid=1.2.840.10008. Root Query/Retrieve Information Model - MOVE]
272 [DCMQR-3] INFO org.dcm4che2.net.PDUDecoder  - KMT(1) >> 2:C-MOVE-RSP[pcid=7, remaining=null, completed=null, failed=null, wa
rning=null, status=a801H
        error=Unknown move destination:AN1
        cuid=1.2.840.10008. Root Query/Retrieve Information Model - MOVE]
20:46:32,699 ERROR  - retrieve: Query/Retrieve SCP terminated move prematurally. Move status = a801, Move error = Unknown move destination:AN1
300 [main] ERROR org.dcm4che2.tool.dcmmover.DcmQR  - retrieve: Query/Retrieve SCP terminated move prematurally. Move status = a801, Move error = Unknown move destination:AN1
20:46:32,703 INFO   - KMT(1) << A-RELEASE-RQ
304 [main] INFO org.dcm4che2.net.PDUEncoder  - KMT(1) << A-RELEASE-RQ
20:46:32,715 INFO   - KMT(1) >> A-RELEASE-RP
316 [DCMQR-3] INFO org.dcm4che2.net.Association  - KMT(1) >> A-RELEASE-RP
20:46:32,719 INFO   - KMT(1): close Socket[addr=/server1,port=104,localport=61192]
320 [DCMQR-3] INFO org.dcm4che2.net.Association  - KMT(1): close Socket[addr=/server1,port=104,localport=61192]
20:46:32,721 INFO   - Stop listening on /
322 [DCMRCV-1] INFO org.dcm4che2.net.NetworkConnection  - Stop listening on /
20:46:32,727 INFO   - run: Popped Wakeup object off the queue. (this.stop=true)
328 [TRNSFRM_SND-2] INFO org.dcm4che2.tool.dcmmover.DcmTransform  - run: Popped Wakeup object off the queue. (this.stop=true)
20:46:32,734 INFO   - run: Signaling end of transform-send thread.
335 [TRNSFRM_SND-2] INFO org.dcm4che2.tool.dcmmover.DcmTransform  - run: Signaling end of transform-send thread.
20:46:34,728 ERROR  - moveStudy: Exception while doing the Query/Retrieve (Q/R SCU).
org.dcm4che2.tool.dcmmover.DcmMoveException: Query/Retrieve SCP terminated move prematurally. Move status = a801, Move error = Unknown move destination:AN1
        at org.dcm4che2.tool.dcmmover.DcmQR.retrieve(DcmQR.java:502)
        at org.dcm4che2.tool.dcmmover.DcmQR.qrStudy(DcmQR.java:349)
        at org.dcm4che2.tool.dcmmover.DcmMover.moveStudy(DcmMover.java:332)
        at org.dcm4che2.tool.dcmmover.DcmMoverCli.doMove(DcmMoverCli.java:406)
        at org.dcm4che2.tool.dcmmover.DcmMoverCli.main(DcmMoverCli.java:354)
2329 [main] ERROR org.dcm4che2.tool.dcmmover.DcmMover  - moveStudy: Exception while doing the Query/Retrieve (Q/R SCU).
org.dcm4che2.tool.dcmmover.DcmMoveException: Query/Retrieve SCP terminated move prematurally. Move status = a801, Move error = Unknown move destination:AN1
        at org.dcm4che2.tool.dcmmover.DcmQR.retrieve(DcmQR.java:502)
        at org.dcm4che2.tool.dcmmover.DcmQR.qrStudy(DcmQR.java:349)
        at org.dcm4che2.tool.dcmmover.DcmMover.moveStudy(DcmMover.java:332)
        at org.dcm4che2.tool.dcmmover.DcmMoverCli.doMove(DcmMoverCli.java:406)
        at org.dcm4che2.tool.dcmmover.DcmMoverCli.main(DcmMoverCli.java:354)
20:46:34,741 INFO   - finalizeStudyMoveResponse: Move results:
        Study Move Successful: false
        Error: Query/Retrieve SCP terminated move prematurally. Move status = a801, Move error = Unknown move destination:AN1
        Move Source AE TItle: KMT
        Move Destination AE Title: TEST2
        Number of Study Series Found: 2
        Number of Study Objects Found: 2
        Number of Retrieved Study Objects: 0
        Number of Received Study Objects: 0
        Number of Transformed Study Objects: 0
        Number of Study Objects Moved: 0
2342 [main] INFO org.dcm4che2.tool.dcmmover.DcmMover  - finalizeStudyMoveResponse: Move results:
        Study Move Successful: false
        Error: Query/Retrieve SCP terminated move prematurally. Move status = a801, Move error = Unknown move destination:AN1
        Move Source AE TItle: KMT
        Move Destination AE Title: TEST2
        Number of Study Series Found: 2
        Number of Study Objects Found: 2
        Number of Retrieved Study Objects: 0
        Number of Received Study Objects: 0
        Number of Transformed Study Objects: 0
        Number of Study Objects Moved: 0

Move of study [] FAILED.
        Study Move Successful: false
        Error: Query/Retrieve SCP terminated move prematurally. Move status = a801, Move error = Unknown move destination:AN1
        Move Source AE TItle: KMT
        Move Destination AE Title: TEST2
        Number of Study Series Found: 2
        Number of Study Objects Found: 2
        Number of Retrieved Study Objects: 0
        Number of Received Study Objects: 0
        Number of Transformed Study Objects: 0
        Number of Study Objects Moved: 0

When I define "AN1" as "AN1@myipaddress:104" in AETitles config of source server (KMT@server1:104), log slightly changed, but still contains errors:

C:\Apps\dcm4che-2.0.28\bin>dcmmover.bat AN1 KMT@server1:104 TEST2@server2:104 -x PatientName=ANONYMOUS^Patient

AE AN1 starting move with transformation of study [] from AE KMT to AE TEST221:51:15,080 INFO   - moveStudy: Beginning study move process - studyUid=
xformObjectData is NOT null. Study will be transformed during move. Transform object data:
Data to add/modify:
(0010,0010) PN #16 [ANONYMOUSPatient] PatientТs Name
Data to remove:

0 [main] INFO org.dcm4che2.tool.dcmmover.DcmMover  - moveStudy: Beginning study move process - studyUid=
xformObjectData is NOT null. Study will be transformed during move. Transform object data:
Data to add/modify:
(0010,0010) PN #16 [ANONYMOUSPatient] PatientТs Name
Data to remove:

21:51:15,112 INFO   - start: Started Server listening on port 104
32 [main] INFO org.dcm4che2.tool.dcmmover.DcmRcv  - start: Started Server listening on port 104
21:51:15,117 INFO   - qrStudy: Moving study with uid
37 [main] INFO org.dcm4che2.tool.dcmmover.DcmQR  - qrStudy: Moving study with uid
21:51:15,139 INFO   - Start listening on /
59 [DCMRCV-1] INFO org.dcm4che2.net.NetworkConnection  - Start listening on /
21:51:15,205 INFO   - Association(1) initiated Socket[addr=/server1,port=104,localport=62786]
125 [main] INFO org.dcm4che2.net.Association  - Association(1) initiated Socket[addr=/server1,port=104,localport=62786]
21:51:15,207 INFO   - KMT(1): A-ASSOCIATE-RQ KMT << AN1_QR_SCU
127 [main] INFO org.dcm4che2.net.PDUEncoder  - KMT(1): A-ASSOCIATE-RQ KMT << AN1_QR_SCU
21:51:15,223 INFO   - KMT(1): A-ASSOCIATE-AC AN1_QR_SCU >> KMT
143 [DCMQR-3] INFO org.dcm4che2.net.Association  - KMT(1): A-ASSOCIATE-AC AN1_QR_SCU >> KMT
21:51:15,226 INFO   - qrStudy: Connected to KMT in 0.094s
146 [main] INFO org.dcm4che2.tool.dcmmover.DcmQR  - qrStudy: Connected to KMT in 0.094s
21:51:15,241 INFO   - KMT(1) << 1:C-FIND-RQ[pcid=1, prior=0
        cuid=1.2.840.10008. Root Query/Retrieve Information Model - FIND
        ts=1.2.840.10008.1.2/Implicit VR Little Endian]
161 [main] INFO org.dcm4che2.net.PDUEncoder  - KMT(1) << 1:C-FIND-RQ[pcid=1, prior=0
        cuid=1.2.840.10008. Root Query/Retrieve Information Model - FIND
        ts=1.2.840.10008.1.2/Implicit VR Little Endian]
21:51:15,276 INFO   - KMT(1) >> 1:C-FIND-RSP[pcid=1, status=ff00H
        cuid=1.2.840.10008. Root Query/Retrieve Information Model - FIND
        ts=1.2.840.10008.1.2/Implicit VR Little Endian]
196 [DCMQR-3] INFO org.dcm4che2.net.PDUDecoder  - KMT(1) >> 1:C-FIND-RSP[pcid=1, status=ff00H
        cuid=1.2.840.10008. Root Query/Retrieve Information Model - FIND
        ts=1.2.840.10008.1.2/Implicit VR Little Endian]
21:51:15,278 INFO   - KMT(1) >> 1:C-FIND-RSP[pcid=1, status=0H
        cuid=1.2.840.10008. Root Query/Retrieve Information Model - FIND]
198 [DCMQR-3] INFO org.dcm4che2.net.PDUDecoder  - KMT(1) >> 1:C-FIND-RSP[pcid=1, status=0H
        cuid=1.2.840.10008. Root Query/Retrieve Information Model - FIND]
21:51:15,283 INFO   - qrStudy: Found requested study in 0.058s
203 [main] INFO org.dcm4che2.tool.dcmmover.DcmQR  - qrStudy: Found requested study in 0.058s
21:51:15,292 INFO   - retrieve: Send Retrieve Request using class '1.2.840.10008. Root Query/Retrieve Information Model - MOVE' and transfer syntax '1.2.840.10008.1.2/Implicit VR Little Endian':
(0008,0052) CS #6 [STUDY] Query/Retrieve Level
(0020,000D) UI #54 [] Study Instance UID

212 [main] INFO org.dcm4che2.tool.dcmmover.DcmQR  - retrieve: Send Retrieve Request using class '1.2.840.10008. Root Query/Retrieve Information Model - MOVE' and transfer syntax '1.2.840.10008.1.2/Implicit VR Little Endian':
(0008,0052) CS #6 [STUDY] Query/Retrieve Level
(0020,000D) UI #54 [] Study Instance UID

21:51:15,298 INFO   - KMT(1) << 2:C-MOVE-RQ[pcid=7, aet=AN1/?, prior=0
        cuid=1.2.840.10008. Root Query/Retrieve Information Model - MOVE
        ts=1.2.840.10008.1.2/Implicit VR Little Endian]
218 [main] INFO org.dcm4che2.net.PDUEncoder  - KMT(1) << 2:C-MOVE-RQ[pcid=7, aet=AN1/?, prior=0
        cuid=1.2.840.10008. Root Query/Retrieve Information Model - MOVE
        ts=1.2.840.10008.1.2/Implicit VR Little Endian]
21:51:15,354 INFO   - KMT(1) >> 2:C-MOVE-RSP[pcid=7, remaining=2, completed=0, failed=0, warning=0, status=ff00H
        cuid=1.2.840.10008. Root Query/Retrieve Information Model - MOVE]
274 [DCMQR-3] INFO org.dcm4che2.net.PDUDecoder  - KMT(1) >> 2:C-MOVE-RSP[pcid=7, remaining=2, completed=0, failed=0, warning=0,
        cuid=1.2.840.10008. Root Query/Retrieve Information Model - MOVE]
21:51:20,358 INFO   - KMT(1) >> 2:C-MOVE-RSP[pcid=7, remaining=2, completed=0, failed=0, warning=0, status=ff00H
        cuid=1.2.840.10008. Root Query/Retrieve Information Model - MOVE]
5278 [DCMQR-3] INFO org.dcm4che2.net.PDUDecoder  - KMT(1) >> 2:C-MOVE-RSP[pcid=7, remaining=2, completed=0, failed=0, warning=0,
        cuid=1.2.840.10008. Root Query/Retrieve Information Model - MOVE]
21:51:25,366 INFO   - KMT(1) >> 2:C-MOVE-RSP[pcid=7, remaining=2, completed=0, failed=0, warning=0, status=ff00H
        cuid=1.2.840.10008. Root Query/Retrieve Information Model - MOVE]
10286 [DCMQR-3] INFO org.dcm4che2.net.PDUDecoder  - KMT(1) >> 2:C-MOVE-RSP[pcid=7, remaining=2, completed=0, failed=0, warning=0
, status=ff00H
        cuid=1.2.840.10008. Root Query/Retrieve Information Model - MOVE]
21:51:30,376 INFO   - KMT(1) >> 2:C-MOVE-RSP[pcid=7, remaining=2, completed=0, failed=0, warning=0, status=ff00H
        cuid=1.2.840.10008. Root Query/Retrieve Information Model - MOVE]
15296 [DCMQR-3] INFO org.dcm4che2.net.PDUDecoder  - KMT(1) >> 2:C-MOVE-RSP[pcid=7, remaining=2, completed=0, failed=0, warning=0
, status=ff00H
        cuid=1.2.840.10008. Root Query/Retrieve Information Model - MOVE]
21:51:35,380 INFO   - KMT(1) >> 2:C-MOVE-RSP[pcid=7, remaining=2, completed=0, failed=0, warning=0, status=ff00H
        cuid=1.2.840.10008. Root Query/Retrieve Information Model - MOVE]
20300 [DCMQR-3] INFO org.dcm4che2.net.PDUDecoder  - KMT(1) >> 2:C-MOVE-RSP[pcid=7, remaining=2, completed=0, failed=0, warning=0
, status=ff00H
        cuid=1.2.840.10008. Root Query/Retrieve Information Model - MOVE]
21:51:36,364 INFO   - KMT(1) >> 2:C-MOVE-RSP[pcid=7, remaining=null, completed=0, failed=2, warning=0, status=a702H
        cuid=1.2.840.10008. Root Query/Retrieve Information Model - MOVE
        ts=1.2.840.10008.1.2/Implicit VR Little Endian]
21284 [DCMQR-3] INFO org.dcm4che2.net.PDUDecoder  - KMT(1) >> 2:C-MOVE-RSP[pcid=7, remaining=null, completed=0, failed=2, warnin
g=0, status=a702H
        cuid=1.2.840.10008. Root Query/Retrieve Information Model - MOVE
        ts=1.2.840.10008.1.2/Implicit VR Little Endian]
21:51:36,392 ERROR  - retrieve: Query/Retrieve SCP terminated move prematurally. Move status = a702, Move error =
21312 [main] ERROR org.dcm4che2.tool.dcmmover.DcmQR  - retrieve: Query/Retrieve SCP terminated move prematurally. Move status =
a702, Move error =
21:51:36,396 INFO   - KMT(1) << A-RELEASE-RQ
21316 [main] INFO org.dcm4che2.net.PDUEncoder  - KMT(1) << A-RELEASE-RQ
21:51:36,410 INFO   - KMT(1) >> A-RELEASE-RP
21330 [DCMQR-3] INFO org.dcm4che2.net.Association  - KMT(1) >> A-RELEASE-RP
21:51:36,413 INFO   - KMT(1): close Socket[addr=/server1,port=104,localport=62786]
21333 [DCMQR-3] INFO org.dcm4che2.net.Association  - KMT(1): close Socket[addr=/server1,port=104,localport=62786]
21:51:36,414 INFO   - Stop listening on /
21334 [DCMRCV-1] INFO org.dcm4che2.net.NetworkConnection  - Stop listening on /
21:51:36,419 INFO   - run: Popped Wakeup object off the queue. (this.stop=true)
21339 [TRNSFRM_SND-2] INFO org.dcm4che2.tool.dcmmover.DcmTransform  - run: Popped Wakeup object off the queue. (this.stop=true)
21:51:36,429 INFO   - run: Signaling end of transform-send thread.
21349 [TRNSFRM_SND-2] INFO org.dcm4che2.tool.dcmmover.DcmTransform  - run: Signaling end of transform-send thread.
21:51:38,421 ERROR  - moveStudy: Exception while doing the Query/Retrieve (Q/R SCU).
org.dcm4che2.tool.dcmmover.DcmMoveException: Query/Retrieve SCP terminated move prematurally. Move status = a702, Move error =
        at org.dcm4che2.tool.dcmmover.DcmQR.retrieve(DcmQR.java:502)
        at org.dcm4che2.tool.dcmmover.DcmQR.qrStudy(DcmQR.java:349)
        at org.dcm4che2.tool.dcmmover.DcmMover.moveStudy(DcmMover.java:332)
        at org.dcm4che2.tool.dcmmover.DcmMoverCli.doMove(DcmMoverCli.java:406)
        at org.dcm4che2.tool.dcmmover.DcmMoverCli.main(DcmMoverCli.java:354)
23341 [main] ERROR org.dcm4che2.tool.dcmmover.DcmMover  - moveStudy: Exception while doing the Query/Retrieve (Q/R SCU).
org.dcm4che2.tool.dcmmover.DcmMoveException: Query/Retrieve SCP terminated move prematurally. Move status = a702, Move error =
        at org.dcm4che2.tool.dcmmover.DcmQR.retrieve(DcmQR.java:502)
        at org.dcm4che2.tool.dcmmover.DcmQR.qrStudy(DcmQR.java:349)
        at org.dcm4che2.tool.dcmmover.DcmMover.moveStudy(DcmMover.java:332)
        at org.dcm4che2.tool.dcmmover.DcmMoverCli.doMove(DcmMoverCli.java:406)
        at org.dcm4che2.tool.dcmmover.DcmMoverCli.main(DcmMoverCli.java:354)
21:51:38,435 INFO   - finalizeStudyMoveResponse: Move results:
        Study Move Successful: false
        Error: Query/Retrieve SCP terminated move prematurally. Move status = a702, Move error =
        Move Source AE TItle: KMT
        Move Destination AE Title: TEST2
        Number of Study Series Found: 2
        Number of Study Objects Found: 2
        Number of Retrieved Study Objects: 0
        Number of Received Study Objects: 0
        Number of Transformed Study Objects: 0
        Number of Study Objects Moved: 0
23355 [main] INFO org.dcm4che2.tool.dcmmover.DcmMover  - finalizeStudyMoveResponse: Move results:
        Study Move Successful: false
        Error: Query/Retrieve SCP terminated move prematurally. Move status = a702, Move error =
        Move Source AE TItle: KMT
        Move Destination AE Title: TEST2
        Number of Study Series Found: 2
        Number of Study Objects Found: 2
        Number of Retrieved Study Objects: 0
        Number of Received Study Objects: 0
        Number of Transformed Study Objects: 0
        Number of Study Objects Moved: 0

Move of study [] FAILED.
        Study Move Successful: false
        Error: Query/Retrieve SCP terminated move prematurally. Move status = a702, Move error =
        Move Source AE TItle: KMT
        Move Destination AE Title: TEST2
        Number of Study Series Found: 2
        Number of Study Objects Found: 2
        Number of Retrieved Study Objects: 0
        Number of Received Study Objects: 0
        Number of Transformed Study Objects: 0
        Number of Study Objects Moved: 0

Removing of transformation option (-x PatientName=ANONYMOUS^^Patient) changed nothing.
So, what I do wrong?
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