General Worklist Query with dcmmwl

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Gregor Kittlaus

Aug 2, 2013, 6:37:58 AM8/2/13
Hello everyone,
I have scripting andprogramming expirience but I just started with JAVA. In the past I worked a lot with the OFFIS DCMTK but for my purposes dcm4che just fits better now.
Long story short. I use a Java Communication engine to communicate with different medical devices. Everything works well but the MWL.
I stumbled over this old Thread:
Unfortunately it was no help for me :-\
So here is my code. What I basically want to do in this example is querying all entries that are known as MALE.
So I checked my worklist and there are a few where 0010,0040 is filled with "M"
content = DcmMWL.main("
TESTWL@sec3306:7402 -q00100040=M");
so the AE of the worklist is TESTWL
it runs on the host sec3306 on port 7402.
When executing the script, my worklist not even rocognizesan association.
Even worse, my variable does not contain anything and my script is doing actually nothing at all.
What am I missing?
EDIT: Damn I think I had a blackout or something. dcmmwl is used to setup a MWL right? Is there a dedicated FIND-SCU or something I could use or do I have to use the dcmmwl anyway?


Aug 2, 2013, 7:02:20 AM8/2/13
You need to pass a string array of args to main - you are passing a string.
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