[Solved] Medical viewer 100% web ?

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Ramón Retamar

Jun 19, 2018, 10:12:59 AM6/19/18
to dcm...@googlegroups.com
I seach for a dcm4chee web-based viewer 100% web. I know Oviyam, buy can't open a study using study-UID as Weasis, example:


This URL open a single-study without need login, only passing the studyUID as parameter. I need a similar feature, but using a 100% html web viewer , like oviyam boy without need login.



Jun 19, 2018, 11:07:47 AM6/19/18
to dcm4che
You can remove the login permissions on Oviyam source code, I did it and it worked.

Faisal Naveed

Jun 19, 2018, 12:38:30 PM6/19/18
to dcm...@googlegroups.com
please tell the filename and location to remove login parameters from source code

On Tue, Jun 19, 2018, 8:07 PM <frs...@gmail.com> wrote:
You can remove the login permissions on Oviyam source code, I did it and it worked.

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Ramón Retamar

Jun 21, 2018, 12:36:10 PM6/21/18
to dcm4che
Can share the code-modification for this or weasis.war modified ?

Thanks !
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Ramón Retamar

Jul 12, 2018, 1:16:27 AM7/12/18
to dcm...@googlegroups.com
This mod work fine for access to study using studyUID value without need login:

1) Rename index.html to index2.html into oviyam.war ,for deny access to all studies.

2) Edit the web.xml file into oviyam2.war file and change this section:

<description>Only allows users with the role WebAdmin to access the Archive Web Administration pages</description>

For this:

<description>Only allows users with the role WebAdmin to access the Archive Web Administration pages</description>

With this modification, you can view a study without need login, for example:


Important: The url http://mypacs:8080/oviyam2/ don't work more, now you need use this url for traditional login:


Best regards, Ramon
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Mohamad Ahi

Oct 22, 2018, 8:55:12 AM10/22/18
to dcm4che
i try this way for iOviyam2 , but it redirect me to home.html , how can i config iOviyam just like oviyam2 for direct access from external url ?
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Mar 15, 2019, 2:16:56 PM3/15/19
to dcm4che
Dear Ramon,

I followed your steps but not worked. I tried several times and here is my modified web.xml 


I got the following screen when tried to access as <myip>:8080/oviyam2/index2.html


Please assist me on what to do ???


Mar 18, 2019, 2:18:08 AM3/18/19
to dcm4che
Dear Roman,

I was successfully able to open the patient's history directly using OVIYAM without login. I can use this method to integrate with our HIS. 

After the above modification did in web.xml, now <ip>8080/oviyam2 is not displaying login interface to be logged by other users. I need to keep it as well. Then login can use from other users who need to log in and whenever no access to the HIS.

How to cater these both requirements:

1. Direct open patient's history without login. Especially when need to integrate with the HIS
2. Keep usual way of login method (It okay to change the URL, but that facility need)

I see the following theoretical solutions:

1. Use oviyam to access records without login screen
2. Use 'weasis'to view patients history through login
3. OR do vise-vers

What's your idea about this?

Thanks, I hope you may understand my real requirement and continue the support.


On Thursday, July 12, 2018 at 10:46:27 AM UTC+5:30, Ramón Retamar wrote:


Apr 11, 2019, 4:49:56 AM4/11/19
to dcm4che
Hi Guys,

I was also looking for this requirement and finally archived it; Follow these steps

HIS -Oviyam integration manual


1.       Install Oviyam2 for normal login

a.       Install original ‘oviyam2.war’ file on /opt/dcm4chee/server/default/deploy/ (here after referred OviyamPATH)

b.       Restart the DCM4CHEE

c.       Login oviyam2

d.       Configure PACS server with correct server IP and remove all other entries.

                                                               i.      Logical name of the pacs would ‘UDPACS’

e.       Test smooth running through inquiring the patient details

f.        Userid & Password : admin

2.       Place another oviyam.war for HIS integration.

a.       Copy above configured ‘OviyamPATH/oviyam2.war’ and place as ‘oviyam3.war’.

b.       Extract ‘oviyam3.war’

c.       Rename the index.html to index2.html

d.       Edit .oviyam3/web.inf/web.xml

            <description>Only allows users with the role WebAdmin to access the Archive Web Administration pages</description>

For this:

            <description>Only allows users with the role WebAdmin to access the Archive Web Administration pages</description>

e.       Come to the root of ‘oviyam3’ folder and select all

f.        Compress >> oviyam3.war

g.       Place newly made ‘oviyam3.war’ also in OviyamPATH

3.       restart dcm4chee

4.       Direct access:

a.       <OviyamIP>:8080/oviyam2/

5.       HIS Access:

a.       http://<oviyamIP>:8080/oviyam3/viewer.html?patientID=<?php echo $gen_mrn;?>&serverName=UDPACS

                                                               i.      ‘serverName’ – ‘N’ capital

                                                             ii.      Use logical name of OviyamPACS which has created “UDPACS”

                                                           iii.      Test with known patient details who has been taken xray images.

6.       Done

7.       Enjoy


Jul 22, 2020, 10:43:14 PM7/22/20
to dcm4che
Hello to all!
Anyone know if this work for Oviyam 2.7.4, installed with docker?
Thanks in advance!
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