what is the purpose of xml2dcm -i

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Aug 16, 2016, 9:49:51 AM8/16/16
to dcm4che

Since dcm4che-2.0.29, I have tried to use the -i flag of the xml2dcm command with no success. As I understand it, this flag should consider the changed values of the xml and change those in the dicom file provided.
e.g. xml2dcm -i foo.dcm -x bar.xml. This never worked. It just doesn't accept the input suggests instead:

Example: xml2dcm -x in.xml -o out.dcm
=> Convert XML presentation in.xml to DICOM file out.dcm
xml2dcm -d -t 1.2.840.10008. -i in.dcm -o out.dcm
=> Load DICOM object from file in.dcm and store it as DICOM (Part 10) file
encoded with Deflated Explicit VR Little Endian Transfer Syntax

Now I am trying out dcm4che-3.3.7 and the flag still does not work as intended. No changes are made in the provided dicom file and the command corrupts the characters in my shell irreversibly.

I am not sure what the purpose is of -i, I had hoped it would replace certain tag values efficiently without the need to generate a whole new dicom file.
I am now using xml2dcm -i foo.xml -o bar.dcm and if bar.dcm already existed, the values are updated, but I am not sure if this is a new file or a change in-line ala stream editor.

Does anyone know more about the desired effect of the -i flag and if the result of xml2dcm -i foo.xml -o same.dcm provides the same result internally?

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